Multiverse Meg is the final prize!

For anyone that hasn’t seen this new appearance on their prize list, we wanted to update you so you know what to expect:


TinyCo has released the last Affection Meter prize, either purposefully or accidentally… It is Multiverse Meg! A costume for Meg will be our final grand LOVE prize!


At least we know that Multiverse Meg will not be a premium costume, but there could be a huge amount of hearts to collect to win Multiverse Meg!

As we know right now, only two characters and their prizes have been released:


Quagmire: you need to collect 15 LOVE hearts to win the building – Clammy Secrets (drops Hormonal Pills for Ida Davis) or 15 HATE to win the decoration – Crimes of Passion Archery Set.


Peter: you need to collect 50 LOVE to win the building – Wicked Cocoa Chocolatier or 50 HATE to win the decoration – Cool Your Jets Hot Tub.

This shows a 35 heart increase, but knowing this game… The increases could get silly! There are another 4 characters and 7 more prizes to be revealed… How many LOVE hearts do you think we are going to need to collect (probably in a week if we receive 2 characters and prizes a week)?

My personal opinion, I reckon the heart ladder will go like this:


OR like this…


Let us know what you think and how many you think would be a good number to collect comfortably as a freemium player?

27 thoughts on “Multiverse Meg is the final prize!”

    1. I’ve got the same problem but I think Zooey has mentioned on the week 3 update post how many hearts you need for Cupid 🙂



  1. I’m hoping the number of hearts goes something like 50, 75, 100, 150
    but knowing TinyCo, it’ll be more like 100, 150, 250, 400

    or … how about if the love prizes are better than the hate ones, then why couldn’t they be more expensive? buildings, especially if they have drops, have got to be worth more than just decos right?

    so you’d need to click on more couples to win the love prize vs the hate prize. at least that would give us a chance to decide how we want to play, take the easy route for a quick hate prize, or grind it out for the love prize.

    could also make it easier to get hot meg — just rush through and grab easy hates for the next 3 characters, then put all the effort into securing the hot meg love prize at the end.



  2. Why would they set it up like this, I don’t get it.
    Why not just have all of the prices visible from the get go.
    I got the two first prices now, and it seems like you can keep collecting either broken hearts or hearts, they seem to register, I’m a 3 hearts, but the meter isn’t moving.
    I really don’t get why they set it up like that! You have to either wait it out, or start collecting for the next price, not knowing what it is. This isn’t a good design at all.
    Why not just have all of the prices visible from the get go.
    I seriously don’t get why they’d set it up like this, it makes no sense to me. No sense!


  3. Ok, so for now there’s one problem with this event.
    Why would they not just have all of the prices unlocked from the get go?
    I got the first two prices, but now I don’t know what the next one is. It still registers my hearts, but the meter doesn’t seem to be moving.
    Thus, I can gamble and start collecting hearts in advance, so far hearts have been the way to go, or wait it out until they unlock the next price.
    My point is, that this is a bad design, as either way, I don’t know what I got coming.
    I’m probably gonna go for the hearts in advance, but man! It’d be so much better if they just has ALL of the prices visible from the get go.
    Again, I seriously don’t get why they’d set it up this way. Makes no sense to me.


  4. I have collected clammy secrets and the chocolatier without too much trouble.but will the love I collect now be counted towards the as yet unknown third prize.


  5. I am not liking this event. I got the hot tubs not knowing that the chocolatier dropped HVs. Now I don’t know if it should be collecting love or hate because they haven’t revealed the next level. Epic failure.


  6. So I cleared the first two levels and well now what? How are we supposed to know which ones to collect next? Also, o got the hot tubs not knowing that the chocolatier drops HV. You don’t get much of a description of the prizes. I am not licking this event so far. Epic disappointment.


  7. I don’t understand.. how does the love / hate thing work? i’ve been collecting both love and hate. Am i doing it wrong? Also, what is the most useful things i should get first?


    1. They will cancel each other out… If you tapped 4 LOVE couples and 4 HATE couples, you would get a score of 0. You have to choose which prize you want and only collect the hearts for that prize 🙂 you should collect for Quagmire’s LOVE prize – the Clammy Secrets as it drops Hormonal Pills for Ida Davis! Also, I am buying the Tunnel of Self-Love first as it drops the rare Hot Wax for Handsome Peter, and you need it as one of the items to unlock Ida Davis… And Handsome Peter helps unlock Ida Davis! Don’t forget to progress through the Beautiful People questline as you need to be at Pt.10 to receive next weeks content on Feb, 12!


      1. I know I’m very late into this event, but still – I just don’t get the ‘love’/’hate’ Couples, to me they look exactly the same! One second I click on one smooching couple and I get a red heart, the second I’m clicking on Another smooching couple that looks exactly the same as the other one, and I get a broken heart! What’s the deal???? How to separate them???


      2. The easiest way to tell between the two is when they stop walking, a love couple will kiss and be really passionate with red hearts appearing above them, hate couples will kiss but then the woman will slap the guy and Purple Hearts will appear above their head, as soon as you see the slap, you know it’s a hate couple, but the hearts above them (when they stop walking) are the most obvious clue



    2. It’s like a teeter totter, you have to decide which prize you want and collect only those hearts. Tips, both of the love ones collect HV. I didn’t know that when I got the hot tubs. Greer.


  8. As much as I would like to see the second ladder, I’ve been playing long enough to know that this game increases targets exponentially rather than linearly so the heart ladder will probably be more like your first guess. I just hope there are more good ways of earning HVs.


  9. Should I get the hot tub or the chocolatier building for Peter’s prize? Does the building drop anything like Clammy Secrets did for Quagmire?


    1. Chocolatier building is useful with only a 5w x 4d footprint and it’s also kinda cool looking. So its small, useful, looks good and let’s face it… if given a choice between chocolate and anything else… you just have to go with the chocolate. Even virtually. 🙂


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