What REALLY Grinds Your Gears?

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Lots of events and content updates have been bombarding us all lately, so there must be something that has ground your gears to dust at some point!

We are onto week 2 of the Valentine’s event (well, if you have managed to unlock week 2 content!), has there been anything in particular that has almost made you tap that uninstall button?!


We would really like to hear what was grinding your gears – is it how you need to follow the couples around? Is it having the choice to win the Asylum again? Was it because you ended up with the Bumper Cars deco instead of a building? Is it because of crashing issues? Or because you need to get to a point in the game before loads of content is released at once? Whatever it is, we would love to hear what has been grinding your gears in the last week!

41 thoughts on “What REALLY Grinds Your Gears?”

  1. Did someone say that Tiny Co. Can’t decide on a set number of hearts to charge for the 5th prize? That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Stupid on Tiny Co. ‘s part I meant. I’m sitting on over 500 purple hearts and I have quit sending couples on dates just to have them wiped out. I’m tired of the games they play with people. I don’t believe they don’t know how many to charge, it’s that they don’t want you to have a jump start on the next prize which is B.S. because some people can’t play all day like I do so they need a little help where they can get it. It’s almost like Tiny Co. doesn’t want people to get their prizes unless they are shelling out clams.


    1. They must have decided. They just don’t want to tell us so it’s a surprise. It’s not that they don’t want us to have a head start, it’s more like they don’t want us to finish the event early and complain that there’s nothing left to do. That’s why they told us the prizes so we still get a head start and know whether to collect love or hate. But we don’t know how many so there’s still something to look forward to.
      True tiny co make a lot of mistakes but I think you’ve misunderstood them in this case and given them a lot of unfair criticism.


  2. The other thing that bugs me is that you have to use Facebook to add friends. Why should I be forced to use a completely separate and unrelated app to have full functionality of this game? Especially since I am already logged in via Game Center and Google. I hope I’m not missing much by not visiting friends, but if so there’s nothing I can do which blows.


  3. Not being able to get George Takei from the LAST event, even though I paid to get the phone booth to unlock getting him. Also not having any idea of how many hearts to get for each level.


  4. Nothing actually grinds my gears this time round, I’m really getting into this event, just really hope I get Multiverse Meg


  5. “Bad load state for alignment tier goals”

    This pops up EVERY TIME i try to open my game, and it will not let me play at all 😦


  6. Im sorry i Talk for Ida Davis but im today unlock her yes today and Hormone PIlls for me is more on easy but this hanbang 11/12 yes all other is done


  7. To re-emphasize a point others have made, it is inconceivable that tinyco did not establish how many love or hates were needed for each prize prior to the event. I mean, my God, at this point, just set it at any number just to keep things going. What could possibly be their reasoning for STILL not having a required number? Yet, they continue, every 3 hours without fail, to send the couples out though no one knows how many they need.


  8. I have 30,000 valentines and not a dang thing to spend them on. Bring Jesus back and let me buy him with my handmade love cards.

    What are these darn things gonna be used for seriously!!!


  9. Having nothing good to spend Valentines on – I’m not buying decos just to keep them in storage. Gimme more buildings or characters to buy.


  10. I really don’t care about the fifth heart prize (I have the asylum from earlier and I don’t want the Cupid statue) but I really hate the forced choice for prize six (It feels like I already have so many skins I’ve put time into earning that almost never get reused so I don’t really think a skin should be a final prize.) (Also, I really dislike this mechanic of “decide what you want based on a tiny picture and no info”…maybe the asylum drops useful things for later on (so 2 would be good), maybe the Cupid statue is actually a rent earning building (like infinite per machine which looked like a statue but earns cash (&could theoretically drop an item))…sigh. My town looks like carp because there’s not enough land and navigating through the inventory is horrible (so much forced XMAS&Halloween purchases/winnings that I can’t display)


      1. Eh, pretty much; but I think it needs a little organization, (such as Game Ideas organized into types, (new characters, new character actions, building suggestions, general gameplay ideas, etc… and maybe a “voting” for More Land / New Content vs Focus on Stability); alternately, (or perhaps in conjunction) maybe a weekly “vote for the most wanted idea” (that isn’t the ever-present Moar Land)- since TinyCo does seem to pay attention (a bit)


      1. Issue is the constant crashing. Can’t remember the last time I was able to clear my town without multiple crashes. Its very frustrating having to reset the same tasks multiple times & at times loose items earned because the game crashed before it saved the item. I have tried everything listed in the forums to remedy the situation including uninstalling.


      2. I see, could it be a storage issue on your device? Is your memory nearly full? Maybe a couple of apps deleted might shore up some space? But only if you want to delete them and make sure you can get them back if it doesn’t work so you don’t lose anything 🙂



  11. When you get a notification about Cheryl Tiegs coming to town but no option to repair her bench… I’ve had Glenda and Ida both for several days and no love for Cheryl. Oh well, I’ll just keep collecting love hearts!

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  12. Land, for the love of god land! My town looks like a jumble of crap because I’ve been a premium player since the game came out. I’ve had to bulldoze most of my streets which is handy for collecting squatters but frustrating if trying to scroll. I have over a hundred items in inventory because there’s nowhere to put them. If they DOUBLED the space, it would be about right.

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  13. Power outage meaning I will probably not be able to complete Ida in the 5 day timeframe as I lost 2 full days of collecting materials.
    On top of that it has taken me this long to start the timeframe because the update did not load for me until 4 days after the event started plus the time zone difference is also making it harder too


  14. Trying to find one specific character is such a PAIN truly wish they had a log of where everyone was at at any given time. (Yes I’m referencing to the capital building in that other horrible TAP TAP game that never rewards their players and fans)

    Grumble grumble about the bumper cars but I was told at some point we’d be able to buy the “hate heart” building…at some point so said the customer help…

    LOL and I’m still waiting for my submission into QMC LOL jk I know everyone’s busy…


    1. I have a odd trick to help me on this. Zoom in on the map. open facespace. pick the character you wish to look for. click the x in the corner to exit facespace. the game will center on the location of the character. click nearby buildings if they are hiding.


  15. Not having any clue how many broken hearts are required for the insane asylum. It’s OK that it’s locked but they could at least let us know how many we need since they wipe all extra out anyways. Also that I have no clue what triggers Cheryl’s bench and with all the glitches having no idea if my game is working properly or if I don’t have content due to an issue with the game.

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