TinyCo Teaser!

TinyCo has provided us with an exclusive teaser of upcoming content… I’m not sure what it could be so I would love to hear what everyone else thinks it is:


36 thoughts on “TinyCo Teaser!”

  1. I keep getting an error message when I try to get onto the game. Configuration empty for Id ffGetJawsFromPurpleBeast in Shop Sticker … does anyone know what this means. Thanks I haven’t been able to play almost 3 days.


  2. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…………….ANOTHER timed mini event. Seriously TC, give us a friggen break. Don’t you wana take a break too? Make work on some items that are wrong with the game as a whole and not push new content out every damn week.


      1. Soooooo, is it safe to NOT check on the game every hour for the next few weeks until June?

        Or is TinyCo. going to release another mini-event or open a new district to keep us active along the way to the big event on June?


  3. in my Google play store on the game’s description it says the next NEW EXCITING event won’t be until June???hmmmm… I wonder what TinyCo., has up their sleeves for us in the next couple of weeks?! 😄


  4. ohh wow! this lil “teaser” isn’t much AT ALL for me haha I have NO idea what is coming up next 😄


  5. Is it just me or anyone else missing characters? I don’t have about 8 characters from the startrek event i had gotten. Q, khan, riker, giordi, data, guianan, ohara. What’s up with that?


    1. Big Fat Paulie, the disputed mobster who got riddled with bullets in the Season Two episode “There’s Something About Paulie”?


    1. ✨no not really because not everybody has that in their games yet. I believe they’re just “testing” it to see off it’ll for sure work when they do a full release of it. 😊


  6. Another event already?
    Oh come on, I was really excited to explore an expanded Quahog again and meeting new quahogians faces. No such luck I guess. 😞


  7. When I first saw it, I thought of a tube that hamsters run through 😆 haha, but now I’ve read the “life of crime” thing, I’m thinking it’s unlikely but it could have something to do with The Escapists – a PC game where you’re in prison and the aim is to escape – it’s doubtful though



  8. The description of the event is “Its a life a crime for Peter and the gang when he gets a taste of the high life. Watch Quahog get turned upside down as the dough stacks, the bullets fly and the body count rises.” With that in mind, I have no clue what that has to do with anything haha.


  9. looks like the way fencing and hedges look when grouped together. So my guess is that Quagmire is going to lay some pipe.


  10. Well I def dont have any idea what that could lead to, just makes me think of that game Pipe Dream I had on my old PC, and that this is not the way to win it 😉


  11. Hmmm….I do not care. I do not have enough bluebirds to finish the mini event and will not pay 150 clams to unlock. I did not get to finish the Star Trek event quests even with using clams during the event.


    1. Shawn, was that really necessary? Sure, we are all upset about the previous event, but that is just being mean.


      1. What of it? If your going to continuously ignore your customers then you deserve whatever verbal thrashing you get.

        Liked by 1 person

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