New/Old Character: Mr Weed

Also: Mr. Weed now has a full bribe at the Lazarus Portal. 😊

How do I unlock Mr. Weed?

Use the Lazarus Portal for a chance to summon the dead. Once you have summoned Mr. Weed, you will need the following materials to unlock him:

•12 Softball Bats (common) from Jerome and Falconer Peter

•8 Dinner Rolls (rare) from Lois, Mayor West, and Le Croissant


•15 Mr. Zucchini Heads (uncommon) from Seamus and Chumba Wumba Stewie

•8 Home Movies (rare) from Olivia and Madame Claude

There is no time limit on unlocking Mr. Weed. Once he is unlocked, he is yours to keep forever!


New Event!!


This is a pic I’ve been sent from Zooey (who was sent it from TinyCo) about the new event…

What do you make of it?


26 Family Guy Moments

Courtesy of Fred


September Fest Walkthroughs Part 7

Back to the Brewery pt 6
<br />Have Pawtucket Pat do keg stand
<br />Have Angela hit on a Chumba Wumba
<br />Have Bruce make bathtub gin​

Real men wear Laderhosen pt 4
<br />Have Herbert be a peeping Tom
<br />Have Lederhosen Peter make headlines

Back to the Brewery pt 7
<br />Have Pawtucket Pat swim in beer river
<br />have Herbert take gross old man bath

Real men wear Lederhosen pt 5
<br />Have Angela sneak a drink 12 hrs
<br />Have Lederhosen Peter binge on Pretzels 24 hrs
<br />Have Jerome do an ethnic handshake 2hrs-with Peter

Back to the Brewery pt 8
<br />Get the Opie Employee of the month statue
<br />Have Pawtucket Pat punish spies
<br />Have Opie test the beer..

Back to the Brewery pt 9
<br />Get the Pawtucket brewbot
<br />Have Pawtucket Pat become unreasonably angry
<br />Get the Executive Bathroom helicopter

Real Men wear Lederhosen pt 6
<br />Have Opie test the beer 8hrs
<br />Have Lederhosen Peter Epic Beer Belch 6 hrs
Thanks to Fred and Tony and any others who contributed


September Fest Walkthroughs Part 6

Real men wear lederhosen pt 1
<br />Have Peter do a German slap dance
<br />
<br />Back to the brewery pt 3
<br />Have Pawtucket Pat force chumba wumbas to dance 6 hrs
<br />Have Brian sneak a drink 4 hrs
<br />Have Seamus tell sea stories 12 hour

Real men wear Lederhosen pt 2
<br />Have Bruce make bathtub gin
<br />Have Peter join sausage eating contest 6hrs

Back to the Brewery pt 4
<br />Have tricia seem mother’s approval
<br />Have Lederhosen Peter drink himself numb 1hr
<br />have Tom Tucker have a drink 1 hr

Back to the Brewery pt 5
<br />Get the Drunk Seagulls
<br />Have Brian down a beer-2hrs
<br />Have Connie Steal Meg’s Diary-12 hrs
<br />
<br />Both of these are collections for the brewery craft…
<br />
<br />Real men wear Laderhosen pt 3
<br />Have Seamus practice cartwheels-1hr
<br />Have Laderhosen Peter butcher german accent-10 hrs
<br />Have Herbert drink 50 hour energy-10 hours

Thanks Fred


September Fest Walkthroughs Part 5

ack to the Brewery pt 1
<br />Get the Pawtucket Beer car
<br />Have Pawtucket Pat distribute beer 1 hr
<br />Have Tricia Report breaking news… 2 hr
<br />
<br />there is also a 24 hr challenge.. Which I don’t see how it can be made:
<br />In Memorium:
<br />Have Opie Be a better employee than Peter-3 times
<br />Have Angela attend illegal Cock fight-3 times
<br />Have Lederhosen Peter epic beer belch
<br />
<br />Now, my Opie is on a 24 hour quest expiring in 6 hours-Celebrate employee of the month… So, don’t know if i am going to make this..
<br />
<br />Also, The Lederhosen Peter is a outfit.. They brought back the Pawtucket Brewery craft crap with new items.. same collection items.. beer bottles, suds, bottle caps and golden flutes. So, if you have extra from when you were doing the brewery, they will count for it.. here is a list. hope it helps..
<br />
<br />Beer Bottle
<br />
<br />(these are uncommon)
<br />
<br />image
<br />(required for the Beer Bottle Trees, Fermentation Tank, Infinite Pee Machine, and Stacks of Beer = 28 Beer Bottles needed in total to
<br />have 1 of each item)
<br />
<br />You can earn Beer Bottles by:
<br />
<br />– Make Herbert Be a Peeping Tom (6 hours)
<br />– Make Meg Practice Bird Calls (6 hours)
<br />– Make S and M Lois Practice Whips on Joe’s Legs (6 hours)
<br />
<br />Beer Bubbles
<br />
<br />(these are rare)
<br />
<br />image
<br />
<br />(required for Creepy River Boat, Bottle Caps Bush, Infinite Pee Machine and Stacks of Beer = 15 Beer Bubbles needed in total to have 1 of each item)
<br />
<br />You can earn Beer Bubbles by:
<br />
<br />– Make Bruce Get Fit for a Suit *requires Vinny* (12 hours)
<br />– Make Connie Steal Meg’s Diary (12 hours)
<br />– Make Stewie Suspend Time (12 hours)
<br />
<br />Silver Ticket
<br />(these are rare)
<br />
<br />image
<br />
<br />(required for Creepy River Boat, Bottle Caps Bush and Beer Bottle Bush = 13 Silver Tickets needed in total to have 1 of each item)
<br />
<br />You can earn Silver Tickets by:
<br />
<br />– Make Carter Smoke Money Cigars (2 hours)
<br />– Make Mort Retreat Cowardly (2 hours)
<br />– Make Tom Tucker Buy Mustache Cream (2 hours)
<br />
<br />Tap Handle
<br />
<br />(these are extra rare)
<br />
<br />image
<br />
<br />(required for Creepy River Boat, Fermentation Tanks and Infinite Pee Machine = 9 Tap Handles are needed in total to have 1 of each item)
<br />You can earn Tap Handles by:
<br />
<br />– Make Dr. Hartman Extract Gerbil (4 hours)
<br />– Make Mayor West Regurgitate Raft (4 hours)
<br />– Make Tricia Report On-Scene (4 hours)
<br />
<br />Bottle Cap
<br />
<br />(these are uncommon)
<br />
<br />image
<br />
<br />(required for Fermentation Tank, Bottle Caps Bush and Pyramid of Beer = 30 Bottle Caps are needed in total to have 1 of each item)
<br />
<br />You can earn Bottle Caps by:
<br />
<br />– Make Mermaid Peter Hose Off (1 hour)
<br />– Make Bathrobe Quagmire Eat Sexy Cereal (1 hour)
<br />– Make Seamus Practice Cartwheels (1 hour)

Back to the Brewery pt 2
<br />Get Laderhosen Peter
<br />Have Pawtucket Pat play the flute
<br />Have Meg be Mortified by her parents..
Thanks Fred


September Fest Walkthroughs Part 4

Here is a walkthru for Bad Trip Stewie

His quests:
Try to sell his shirt – 2hrs = 30 coin and 20 exp
Wildly hallucinate – 4hrs = 50 coin and 30 exp
Hide from scary monsters – 6hrs = 65 coin and 45 exp
Dance like a hippie – 8hrs = 100 coin and 50 exp
Go on a bad trip – 12hrs = 80 coin and 65 exp
Watch the wallpaper dance – 1day = 150 coin and 100 exp

The 8 & 12 hr quests are the only ones with ‘action’

His quest series is only 4 quests long.

Take a bad trip pt1:
Have bad trip stewie dance like a hippie
Have Brian call the ambulance

Take a bad trip pt2:
Have bad trip stewie go on a bad trip
Have Lois be flirty

Take a bad trip pt3:
Have bad trip stewie wildly hallucinate
Have meg smell the roses

Take a bad trip pt4:
Have bad trip stewie try to sell his shirt
Have Brian sneak a drink

Enjoy! And Congrats to all those who got Bad Trip Stewie

Thanks to TwistedDecaf for this one


September Fest Walkthroughs Part 3

Battle of the Beers pt 10
Have Opie Style his hair
Have Peter obnoxiously sulk

Employee of the Month pt 3
Have Opie babble unintelligibly
Have Chris eat a large ham​

Employee of the Month pt 4
Have Opie Celebrate Employee of the month-24 hours
Have Chris Enjoy Glue -21 hours
Have Opie Wear 2 different shoes-2 hours

Thanks to Fred for sending these!!


September Fest Walkthroughs Part 2

Battle of the Beers pt 8
Place the Beer Hall
Have Peter donate his underwear
Have Mort retreat cowardly

Employee of the Month Pt. 2
Have Opie style his hair
Have Chris trash his room

Battle of the Beers pt 9
Have Quagmire drink at the Clam
Have Joe watch beer ferment

Again, thanks Fred 🙂


September Fest Walkthroughs

Battle of the Beers Pt 2:
Have Peter Judge drinking games
Place 3 Edelweiss Plants

Drinks on Lois Pt 4:
Have Barmaid Lois make Pretzels
Have Joe and Quagmire play mace tag

Employee of the Month pt 1-Opie’s quest
Have Opie Get upset
Have Peter judge the drinking games​

Drinks on Lois pt 5:
Have Barmaid Lois flirt with Bar flies
Have Joe grab a beer
Have Quagmire drink at the Clam

Thanks to Fred for this 😀
