What was your Ranking?

Ok guys, no one seems to be talking.. So, let’s figure out where we ended up on that Leaderboard from the Star Trek Event.


When I opted out, I was at the rank of 87th.. Now, it is telling me that I am at 106… So, I should get rewarded the Borg puppy-I think it is a deco (Which, I don’t care if I ever get another Deco from this game) and also Betram.  —He was the one I was going for anyway..

How about you?

A Grimm Night Event Preview

This post contains spoilers of the new event – provided DragonJay! 🙂

Continue reading A Grimm Night Event Preview

Leaving Star Trek Early?

Tinyco is giving you the chance to leave the Star Trek event early and start the new event…

IMPORTANT UPDATE: The 1.19.0 update will be released this Thursday, February 25 at around 8 AM, PST. Players on this version will be given the option in the event HUD with the attached modal to end Star Trek: Second Contact early and get a head start on our next special event. Star Trek: Second Contact will still end at its scheduled time of Thursday, February 25 at 3 PM, PST for those who choose to not opt out early.

For those who choose to opt out of Star Trek: Second Contact early, your final leaderboard rank will be the rank you have at the time you opt out. You will receive the prize that your final rank qualifies you for when prizes are awarded in a few days.

CORRECTION: To protect the integrity of the leaderboards, the final leaderboard rank that you have at the time of opting out is subject to change if players surpass your rank. Players who opt out will no longer be able to earn Latinum and increase their leaderboard rank, but those who elect to continue Star Trek: Second Contact will be able to continue climbing the leaderboards. We apologize for the misinformation in our previous post, and any confusion that it may have caused!

So, if you leave early, anyone still playing can surpass you in the leaderboard…

So, in the words of the Clash: “Should I stay or should I go now?”

Star Trek-The End is Near!!!

Ok, guys, they are ending the event soon… So, how are you doing in it?

Star Trek-Second Contact-Week 2


Week 2 is Live!!!!

I will let you know more when I do!!!

Ok, this is where I am:

I had enough Gamma Rays to open up the Holodeck and also Engineering.

Keep on Trekking pt 1

  • Have K. Chris attack Borg Bertram
  • Have S. Peter recline in Captain’s chair
  • Hit 2 Romulan Warbirds

Keep on Trekking pt 2

  • Clear 32 Tribbles
  • Send Edo Herbert to Bowell Regulus-pun
  • Have Quagmire clear 1 borg

Keep on Trekking pt 3

  • Collect 3 puppy bones
  • Clear 3 Borg puppies
  • clear 2 Bork kittens

Keep on Trekking pt 4

  • Have S. Lois rage shoot
  • Have S. Peter sneak into forbidden areas

Keep on Trekking pt 5

  • Clear 4 Borg kittens
  • Have Edo Herbert simulate Chris in Holodeck
  • Collect 3 communicator Badges

Keep on Trekking pt 6

  • Open Engineering
  • Shoot 4 shielded Petercraft
  • Clear 54 Tribbles

Keep on Trekking pt 7

  • Clear 5 Borg Puppies
  • Send S. Lois to the planet where it is just her and Quagmire

Keep on Trekking pt 8

  • Have Geordi update look
  • Have Bonnie poke Dough Boy
  • Shoot 2 shielded Petercraft

Keep on Trekking pt 9

  • Have Edo Herbert Violate Prime Directive
  • Have Klingon Chris Battle cry

Keep on Trekking pt 10

  • Have K. Chris attack Borg Bertram
  • Have Starfleet Peter drop a Captain’s Log
  • Have Talosian Stewie attack B. Bertram

This is the end of the Questline… Now, I am just collecting and killing Tribbles!!! 

Q’s the Who pt 1

  • Have Q pass Judgement

Q’s the Who pt 2

  • Have Q throw a temper tantrum

Q’s the Who pt 3

  • Have Q summon Mariachi Band

Q’s the Who pt 4

  • Have Q meddle with Humanity

This is it for Q’s questline!!! 


Half man, Half machine pt 1

  • Have Locutus play with Borg kitten

Half man, Half machine pt 2

  • Have Locutus figure out how to pee

Half man, Half machine pt 3

  • Have Locutus drink Borg tea

This is the end of this Questline


Star Trek-Second Contact Questline

Ok, guys and girls.. Sorry, it has been a very hectic weekend for me… Girlfriend and daughter for Valentine’s Day.. So, just have been playing and taking pics of the Quests.. Sorry.. Life does happen!!! lol


Star Trek: Second Contact Pt. 1

  • Repair the shuttle
  • Learn about the Enterprise
  • construct Borg cube

Star Trek: Second Contact Pt. 2

  • Clear 8 Borg
  • Have Starfleet Peter reminisce about Enterprise
  • Travel to the Enterprise

Star Trek: Second Contact Pt. 3

  • Clear 28 Tribbles
  • Collect 2 Gamma Rays
  • Open the Bridge

Star Trek: Second Contact Pt. 4

  • Have Peter recline in the Captain’s chair
  • Collect 3 Photon Torpedoes
  • Blow up 2 Borg Cubes

Star Trek: Second Contact Pt. 5

  • Clear 2 Borg
  • Have V. Quagmire Suppress the Giggity
  • Have S. Peter do the Peter Manuever

Star Trek: Second Contact Pt. 6

  • Open 10 Forward
  • Collect 3 Communicator badges
  • Send K. Chris to Terra Boberra

Star Trek: Second Contact Pt. 7

  • Collect 5 Catnip from Terra Boberra
  • Clear 2 Borg Kittens

Star Trek: Second Contact Pt. 8

  • Clear 25 tribbles
  • Have S. Peter press all of the buttons
  • Have K. Chris complain about complexion

Star Trek: Second Contact Pt. 9

  • Have V. Quagmire live long and Giggity
  • Clear 3 Borg
  • Have S. Peter sneak into forbidden areas

Star Trek: Second Contact Pt. 10

  • Open sick bay
  • Have Edo Herbert have a wardrobe malfunction
  • Clear 8 Borg kittens

Star Trek: Second Contact Pt. 11

  • See what’s coming in week 2
  • Open the Holodeck

And that is where I am at right now!!!

Oops, Forgot to say, I did break down and buy Star Fleet Rupert, and he was a complete waste so far!!! Not getting any thing of importance out of him.. Kinda Grinds my Gears!!!


Star Trek-Second Contact!!!

Wow.. Tinyco didn’t even wait!!! They started a new Star Trek event… I will let you know something when I do.. Anyone have anything to add?


How do I participate in Star Trek: Second Contact?

You must be on app version 1.18.0, have District 3 unlocked, and Al Harrington’s repaired in order to take part in Star Trek: Second Contact.

How do I travel between Quahog and the Enterprise?

You can travel between playspaces by tapping on the Enterprise/Home Button in the bottom right corner of the screen.  You will need to reach Star Trek: Second Contact Pt. 2 before you can board the Enterprise.

How do I explore the Enterprise?

Only a small section of the ship will be available for use when you first board the Enterprise. As you explore and repair the ship, you’ll be able to repair the main rooms.  Some parts of the ship are sectioned into “districts.” In order to access different areas of the Enterprise, you may need to complete certain quests or wait for phase 2 of Star Trek: Second Contact to begin.

How do I create items in the Replicator?

The Replicator allows you to craft special Star Trek items and decorations. Each prize requires materials such as Anti-Matter, Borg Parts, and Red Matter.  Tap an item in the Replicator menu to highlight it in orange. Once highlighted, you can see how much stuff you still need to unlock the item in the bottom left of the menu. Items created in the Replicator will go directly into your inventory and will be usable in Quahog.

How do I earn Anti-Matter?

Anti-Matter can be earned by completing Star Trek quests, collecting rent from Star Trek buildings, and Away Missions.

When do Borgs begin appearing?

Borgs begin appearing in Quahog when you reach Star Trek: Second Contact Pt. 2. After reaching Star Trek: Second Contact Pt. 5, they will stop appearing in Quahog and begin appearing on the Enterprise.

When do Tribbles begin appearing?

Tribbles begin appearing on the Enterprise when you reach Star Trek: Second Contact Pt. 3.

When do Borg Kittens begin appearing?

Borg Kittens begin appearing on the Enterprise when you reach Star Trek: Second Contact Pt. 6.

How do Away Missions work?

Send a team of characters on an away mission to earn rewards! Each planet offers different rewards and missions will cost different amounts of Communication Badges. The more characters you send on an away mission, the higher your chance of getting awesome rewards!  Characters that are currently on away missions will be unusable for the duration of the mission. You can also fast­finish away missions with clams.

How do I unlock Starfleet Peter?

To unlock Starfleet Peter, you must collect the following materials:

  • 24 Anti-Matter (always)
  • 6 Captain’s Logs (rare)
  • 1 Replicator Hamburger (uncommon)
  • 3 Red Shirts (common)
  • Starfleet Peter is available until Thursday, February 25 at 3 PM, PST. If he is not completely unlocked, he will disappear from the game at that time. If he is unlocked before the event ends, you will be able to continue his quests after the event has ended.

How do I unlock Vulcan Quagmire?

To unlock Vulcan Quagmire, you must collect the following materials:

  • 175 Anti-Matter (always)
  • 8 Really Large Q-Tips (uncommon)
  • 10 Mind Meld for Dummies Books (rare)
  • 18 Space Condoms (always)

Vulcan Quagmire is available until Thursday, February 25 at 3 PM, PST. If he is not completely unlocked, he will disappear from the game at that time. If he is unlocked before the event ends, you will be able to continue his quests after the event has ended.

How do I unlock Klingon Chris?

To unlock Klingon Chris, you must collect the following materials:

  • 150 Anti-Matter (always)
  • 15 English-Klingon Dictionaries (common)
  • 8 Bat-leth (uncommon)
  • 4 Prosthetic Foreheads (rare)

Klingon Chris is available until Thursday, February 25 at 3 PM, PST. If he is not completely unlocked, he will disappear from the game at that time. If he is unlocked before the event ends, you will be able to continue his quests after the event has ended.

How do I unlock Edo Herbert?

To unlock Edo Herbert, you must collect the following materials:

  • 250 Anti-Matter (always)
  • 20 Cat Foods (common)

Edo Herbert is available until Thursday, February 25 at 3 PM, PST. If he is not completely unlocked, he will disappear from the game at that time. If he is unlocked before the event ends, you will be able to continue his quests after the event has ended.

How do I get Seven of Nine?

Seven of Nine is available in the shop for 265 clams. She will be available for purchase until February 25 at 3 PM, PST.

How do I get Guinan?

Guinan is available in the shop for 200 clams. She will be available for purchase until February 25 at 3 PM, PST.

How do I get Worf?

Worf is available in the shop for 260 clams. He will be available for purchase until February 25 at 3 PM, PST.

 How do I get Deanna Troi?

Deanna Troi will appear in the shop for free after unlocking Ten Forward aboard the Enterprise.To unlock her, you must collect the following materials:

  • 220 Anti-Matter (always)
  • 18 Riker’s Picture in Heart Frames (rare)
  • 16 Headbands (common)
  • 6 Chocolates (always)
Deanna Troi is available until Thursday, February 25 at 3 PM, PST. If she is not completely unlocked, she will disappear from the game at that time. If she is unlocked before the event ends, you will be able to continue her quests after the event has ended

How do I get Beverly Crusher?

Beverly Crusher will appear in the shop for free after unlocking The Sick Bay aboard the Enterprise. To unlock her, you must collect the following materials:
  • 300 Anti-Matter (always)
  • 11 Medical Tricorders (uncommon)
  • 36 Hyposprays (uncommon)
  • 24 Laser Scalpels (rare)
Beverly Crusher is available until Thursday, February 25 at 3 PM, PST. If she is not completely unlocked, she will disappear from the game at that time. If she is unlocked before the event ends, you will be able to continue her quests after the event has ended

What can I win from the Ouranus Mystery Box?

You can receive one of the following prizes each time you open the Ouranus Mystery Box. Decos and building skins will not repeat, but Anti-Matter, Red Matter, and Borg Bits can repeat. You can win the following prizes:

  • PeterCraft (deco)
  • Gorn (moving deco)
  • Picard’s Fishbowl (deco)
  • Spot the Cat (moving deco)
  • Borg-Assimilated James Woods High (building skin)
  • Giant Tribble (deco)
  • 200 Anti-Matter
  • 100 Anti-Matter
  • 10 Red Matter
  • 7 Borg Bits

When does Star Trek: Second Contact end?

Star Trek: Second Contact will end on Thursday, February 25 at 3 PM, PST.

Any Star Trek: Second Contact content that is not fully unlocked or purchased will disappear from the game at that time.

How do I get Starfleet Human Rupert?

Starfleet Human Rupert is available in the shop for 300 clams. H e will be available for purchase until February 25 at 3 PM, PST.

How did you do?

Ok guys and gals.. How did you do on that Football event?  Happy? Aggravated?  Over it? What did you win if anything?

2 Minute Warning

Well Tinyco has issued a 2 minute warning-which is really a 2 day warning… This event is ending Thursday.  Where are you at in the game?  Got everything you want?  Still trying?


Right now, I am in game 7-I have my 2 footballs, just need 17 shoulder pads.. Don’t really see that happening unless that becomes an 1 hour event for Peter to dance the Shipoopi in his uniform.  And speaking of his uniform-

  • I have the 7 jock straps
  • I have 12 out of 13 feather pillows
  • I have 3 out of 7 mouth guards
  • I have 2 out of 8 yellow flags

So, I might get this outfit.. I doubt that I will get the touchdown Jesus..


Football Fever Week 3

Ok guys and girls… It is time for week 3!!!

To start this phase you need to have completed Game6 and be on Pt 15.  But, I am just one day into The 6th game against the Frankfurt Fanged Ferrets.  So, I am stuck on pt 14. If anyone is ahead of me, please send me what you have and where you are, and I will post it..

I will be honest with you.  This event is not for me.. I am actually wondering what would happen if I didn’t progress down the field?  Could I still win the game if I collected all of the stuff?

I am down to 50 clams, and I am not going to spend them.. I do not want Brett Farve, I actually know the guy.. He grew up about 30 miles from me, and we went to college together. – the University of Southern Mississippi.. So, I am just playing and getting what I can.  But, I am not going to purchase clams to buy people that I won’t ever use… Maybe if they came out with a Star Wars event..

How are you doing?  Liking this one?  Or just ready for it to be over?

Remember, if anyone wants to add me in the game, I welcome it!!!! Just add me on Facebook.. fredlusk@hotmail.com.. And send me a message when you request me.. So, I will know who you are!!!! I don’t just accept everyone!!!