Truth, Justice, and the Quahog Way Quests Week 3

Week 3 of the Truth, Justice, and the Quahog Way event is now live and a ton of quests have been added to entertain us for the week.

Joker in the Pack (Main Quest)
Joker in the Pack pt. 1
1. The Joker Gang is here!
2. Attack the Joker Gang

Joker in the Pack pt. 2
1. Have Joe Investigate the Joker (4)
2. Have Superman Peter Heat Up Leftovers (1)

Joker in the Pack pt. 3
1. Have Superman Peter Get Starstruck (2)
2. Place the Asylum Cell from Wayne Tower

Joker in the Pack pt. 4
1. Defeat 2 More Joker Gangs
2. Have Catwoman Lois Get in a Catfight (3)
3. Place House of Animal Prints from Wayne Tower

Joker in the Pack pt. 5
1. Have Superman Peter Eat a Hero Sandwich (2)
2. Have Catwoman Lois Enjoy Catnip (2)
3. Clear Killer Croc 4 Times

Joker in the Pack pt. 6
1. Place Poison Plant Nursery from Wayne Tower
2. Have Wonder Woman Make Big Plans (6)
3. Defeat 2 Joker Gangs

Joker in the Pack pt. 7
1. Have Bruce Wear a Cape (8)
2. Defeat a Thug

Joker in the Pack pt. 8
1. Have Cheetah Bonnie Bother Heroes (1)
2. Have Wonder Woman Feed Her Cats (8)
3. Place Super Prison from Wayne Tower

Joker in the Pack pt. 9
1. Reach Event Level 11
2. Investigate the Underground Hideout
End of questline until next week.

Paging Dr. Quinzel (Harley Quinn’s Quest)
Paging Dr. Quinzel pt. 1
1. Have Harley Quinn Flip Out (6)
2. Have Quagmire Explore New Fetishes (12)

Paging Dr. Quinzel pt. 2
1. Have Harley Quinn Show The Joker Some Love (8)
2. Have Mort Be a Hypochondriac (4)

Paging Dr. Quinzel pt. 3
1. Have Harley Quinn Dig Up Dirt (10)

Paging Dr. Quinzel pt. 4
1. Have Harley Quinn Counsel Other Crazies (12)
End of quest!

Such a Copycat (Cheetah Bonnie’s Quest)
Such a Copycat pt. 0
1. Unlock Cheetah Bonnie

Such a Copycat pt. 1
1. Have Cheetah Bonnie Make a Run For It
2. Have Catwoman Lois Compete With the Big Cats (4)

Such a Copycat pt. 2
1. Have Cheetah Bonnie Get Her Claws Out
2. Have Joe Clip Sharp Toenails

Such a Copycat pt. 3
1. Have Cheetah Bonnie Work Her Scratching Post
2. Have Quagmire Wear Fur

Such a Copycat pt. 4
1. Have Cheetah Bonnie Lap Up a Bottle of Wine
2. Have Jerome Host Happy Hour
End of quest!

Gangster’s Paradise (Joker’s Quest)
Joke’s On You pt. 1
1. The Joker is Here!
2. Check out the Joker!
3. Use Batman Gadgets to Attack the Joker!

Gangster’s Paradise pt. 0
1. Use Hand Buzzers to Unlock the Joker
2. Get 85 Hand Buzzers from the Joker

Gangster’s Paradise pt. 1
1. Have the Joker Do Card Tricks (8)
2. Have Superman Peter Ride Shotgun in the Batmobile (2)

Gangster’s Paradise pt. 2
1. Have the Joker Powder His Nose (4)

Gangster’s Paradise pt. 3
1. Have the Joker Mess With Media (12)
2. Have Jerome Change the Channel (6)

Gangster’s Paradise pt. 4
1. Have the Joker Need a Vacation (6)
2. Have Batman Hate on Supervillains (10)
End of quest!

Super Wonderful (Side Quest)
Super Wonderful pt. 13
1. Place Asylum Cell from Wayne Tower

Super Wonderful pt. 14
1. Place House of Animal Prints from Wayne Tower

Super Wonderful pt. 15
1. Place The Death Trap from Wayne Tower

Super Wonderful pt. 16
1. Place Mad Love: Couples Counseling from Wayne Tower

Super Wonderful pt. 17
1. Place Poison Plant Nursery from Wayne Tower

Super Wonderful pt. 18
1. Place Joker Mobile from Wayne Tower
End of quest!

Zero to Hero (Level Up Quest)
Zero to Hero pt. 6
1. Reach Event Level 6

Zero to Hero pt. 7
1. Reach Event Level 7

Zero to Hero pt. 8
1. Reach Event Level 8

Zero to Hero pt. 9
1. Reach Event Level 9

Zero to Hero pt. 10
1. Reach Event Level 10

Zero to Hero pt. 11
1. Reach Event Level 11

Zero to Hero pt. 12
1. Reach Event Level 12

Zero to Hero pt. 13
1. Reach Event Level 13
End of quest!

And that’s all of this weeks quests. How are you doing so far? Any errors that need correcting? Comment below!

36 thoughts on “Truth, Justice, and the Quahog Way Quests Week 3”

  1. In order to defeat a “Joker Thug” or “Joker Gang” and progress in the game I need either Cheetah Bonnie or a character that costs money. In order to get Cheetah Bonnie I need fangs which I can only get by defeating a “Joker Thug”. Unless someone out there can correct me I’m at an impasse only resolved by spending my own money, correct?


      1. I knew I needed to be corrected. I thought 3 characters were required to fight, I never tried fighting with one or two. Thanks


    1. Unfortunately there is no way to complete it without him and this is an oversight by TinyCo. Hopefully they change it to a freemium option.


  2. I am on level 8 n I haven’t gotten an idea of what needs to be done to get the joker. It still shows for aqua man coming soon. What gives??


    1. You aren’t the only one. Try collecting the POW from the buildings manually instead of using Consuela’s Vacuum. Seems the POW gets lost when you use it. Also, contact in-game support and inform them of the situation. There was some kind of quest that helped push players in similar situations to you that helped them level up. Some people didn’t get it and after contacting support, they had leveled up.


  3. I keep trying to defeat Bane to get to Ohase 3, but I can’t deal any damage to him at all, no matter what characters I use. Any advice?


  4. Do you know what level we need to be to begin phase 4 when it arrives? Because in the questline it says we need to be at level 12, yet in the Underground Car Park it says we need to be at level 11.


    1. I believe 12 is the correct answer which is extremely ridiculous. Hopefully they make adjustments to levels because almost no one would be ready. Also note that Consuela’s Vacuum is causing problems by not counting the Power Points so if possible, try to claim from the buildings before using her vacuum.


      1. I really hope that Tiny Co do make adjustments to the POW levels, like they have done in past events, as I’ve just reached level 10 this afternoon so there’s no way I’ll be able to reach level 11 let alone 12 by the time phase 4 hits. Thanks for letting me know about Consuela’s Vacuum as I didn’t realise that it wasn’t collecting Power Points, I’ll start collecting from my event buildings manually from now on.


  5. how long will the joker be around? before your unable to unlock him? its taking forever to get past defeating him 3 times before you run out of time.


    1. He will be available for purchase until Wednesday, August 24 at 3 PM , PDT. Honestly, you’re better off defeating him 3 times then let the time run out and reset because the amount of materials needed for the 4th and 5th attack are very high. Earning 7 Hand Buzzers a day puts you on pace to unlock him in 12 days.


  6. I can’t seem to get enough Power Points to advance to week 3. I have almost all the buildings and extras you buy with plastic superhero rings. Any advice?


    1. Just posted this to someone else.

      You aren’t the only one. A few players received a quest that rewarded them enough POW to level up unfortunately I have no details about it. What I do suggest is just keep doing what you’re doing, save up your kryptonite, and you’ll be ahead once you get to phase 3.


  7. Cheetah Bonnie needs jogging shoes, which can only be gotten from the Arkham Asylum which costs golden clams, AKA real money. Ergo
    joker in the deck 8 is impossible without spending real money.


    1. Use Superman Peter, Catwoman Lois, Cheetah Bonnie, and/or Harley Quinn. You need 2 Super Vitamins and the Joker Gang drops Sacks of Gold and Plastic Fangs.


    1. Does it not show up when you hit “GO” on the quest? It requires Quagmire’s House. Are you in phase 3? Sometimes you’re able to purchase stuff before you’ve made it to the next phase.


      1. No when I hit the “Go” button all of his tasks show up byt none are highlighted. Even going through every costume he has, nothing.


      2. I suspect you aren’t in phase three yet. Once you get to level 8 and finish the main questline, Going Batty, you’ll be able to send Quagmire on the task.


  8. Thanks to your advice about converting Kryptonite I was able to run the table on the buildings for week 2!
    But the couples counseling building is not showing up and I can’t find it anywhere in my town. Guess i need to let Tiny co. know but for now it doesn’t appear to drop anything so not a big deal


  9. Woo hoo.. I had enough Kryptonite to get the first 7 Prizes.. held up on the 7th (Superhuman prison) because I am sure the Hall of doom is times, and I have no clue how many Krpto’s I will need for it..


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