Truth, Justice, and the Quahog Way Week 3

Note 1: An update (1.27.6) should be available in your app stores. Updating should add extra content.

Note 2: Consuela’s Vacuum isn’t picking up the POW so it is advised that you manually collect from the event buildings until a patch is pushed through.

It’s simple. Kill the Batman…

That’s right ladies and gentlemen, it’s Joker week! Phase three is now live and the clowns have arrived! There should be an update available in your app store and it looks like you’ll need the update in order to see new content. Here’s everything new this week. Don’t forget to click here for this weeks set of quests.


Week 1 Info
Week 1 Quests
Useful Buildings (Week 1)
Week 1 Challenge


Week 2 Info
Week 2 Quests
Useful Buildings (Week 2)
Week 2 Challenge

41 Plastic Fangs (Always) 33 Running Shoes (Uncommon) 8 Prison Wine (Common) 10 Cheetah Leotard (Rare)
Get by clearing Joker Thug Make Mort Retreat Cowardly (2) Get from Superhuman Prison (3) Get from House of Animal Prints (6)
Make Jerome Host Happy Hour (2) Make Joe Raid Personal Weapons Stash (6)
Make Chris Hang Out at Home (2) Get from Arkham Asylum (14)
Get from Arkham Asylum (14)

Joker – 85Tjqw_handbuzzer

Harley Quinn – 250wpid-icon_golden_clam@4x_wm.jpg.jpeg


Joke’s-On-You Funhouse – 245wpid-icon_golden_clam@4x_wm.jpg.jpeg
Arkham Asylum – 150wpid-icon_golden_clam@4x_wm.jpg.jpeg


Explosive Gift – 45Tjq_heroring
Chemical Vat – 20Tjq_heroring

Order to Unlock Prize Kryptonite Required Power Points
1 Asylum Cell 8 Tjq_kryptonite 22 Dcpowexp
2 House of Animal Prints 22 Tjq_kryptonite 35 Dcpowexp
3 Death Trap 18 Tjq_kryptonite 44 Dcpowexp
4 Mad Love: Couples Counseling 27 Tjq_kryptonite 74 Dcpowexp
5 Poison Plant Nursery 17 Tjq_kryptonite 85 Dcpowexp
6 Joker Mobile 9 Tjq_kryptonite 103 Dcpowexp
7 Superhuman Prison 33 Tjq_kryptonite 118 Dcpowexp
8 Hall of Doom 137 Tjq_kryptonite 510 Dcpowexp

NOTE: There is a 24 hour time to get the Hall of Doom once you unlock everything else.


Send Superman Peter (2), Catwoman Lois (4), Cheetah Bonnie (4), and/or Harley Quinn (4) to defeat the Joker Thugs. They drop Sacks of Gold and Plastic Fangs.


3 Batarangs – 17wpid-icon_golden_clam@4x_wm.jpg.jpeg
9 Batarangs – 46wpid-icon_golden_clam@4x_wm.jpg.jpeg
3 Batbombs – 23wpid-icon_golden_clam@4x_wm.jpg.jpeg
9 Batbombs – 62wpid-icon_golden_clam@4x_wm.jpg.jpeg
3 Bat Nets – 29wpid-icon_golden_clam@4x_wm.jpg.jpeg
9 Bat Nets – 77wpid-icon_golden_clam@4x_wm.jpg.jpeg


Click here to see which characters drop Joker Battling Supplies.

You will need to collect various Batman gadgets to counter the Joker”s attacks. The needed gadgets will appear highlighted under the owned. Once you’ve collected the needed gadgets, tap the “POW” button to attack. You will have 24 hours to stop him and contain him in a box. If his 24 hour timer reaches 0 before he is defeated, he will escape to return another time.

Multiplier Requirements Buzzers (Always) Plastic Fangs (Always)
1x 2 Batarang/Bomb/Net 1 1
2x 4 Batarang/Bomb/Net 2 2
3x 7 Batarang/Bomb/Net 4 3
4x 11 Batarang/Bomb/Net 6 4
5x 16 Batarang/Bomb/Net 8 5

Have any tips to share that helped you so far? How are you enjoying this event? Let us know in the comments.

87 thoughts on “Truth, Justice, and the Quahog Way Week 3”

  1. Apologies if this information is already out there, but I couldn’t find it — perhaps the answer is unknown. Can anyone tell me how long between the Joker timer running out and his reset?


    1. I believe it’s around 24 hours as the mechanics are the same as Zeus from the Greek Life event. I’m not sure if they’ve done any adjustments since that week though.


      1. Thanks but I’m pretty sure it was less than 12 hours a few days ago and according to everything I’ve since read online since, it seems to be random amounts of time he’s away. I also read on FamilyGuyAddicts that the event was extended a few extra days, but my in game timer doesn’t reflect this. I have 74 buzzers for Joker and I’d really hate to miss out on him.


  2. Just wondering if anybody knows how long Joker will be available for? Is it until the end of the week or the end of the event?

    Harley Quinn and Mr.J are the only two characters I knew I HAD to get at the start of this event and I don’t want to miss him.


    1. Are you on phase three? Have you updated to 1.27.6 and have you completed part 3 of the main questline, Joker in the Pack?


      1. Are you on phase three? Have you updated to 1.27.6 and have you completed part 3 of the main questline, Joker in the Pack?


  3. You can use Catwoman Lois, Superman Peter, Harley Quinn, and Cheetah Bonnie to defeat Joker gangs, but you need to defeat Joker gangs to collect fangs to unlock Cheetah Bonnie, so you’re basically stuck with Harley, Lois, and Peter. Here’s what I’m doing: Since Batman and Wonder Woman’s quests are over, I keep sending them on the tasks that net me super vitamins. I also keep sending Herbert on the same task to get them. I am alternating between the vitamin task and the running shoe tasks for Chris and Jerome. This way, I stock up on vitamins. I keep sending Robin Stewie on the task to net health packs. Remember, it only requires TWO vitamins to fight a Joker gang. I just took out three gangs by having Lois, Peter, and Harley fight them, using health packs to heal them, fight again, heal again, and fight again. It helped me stock up on sacks to trade for Kryptonite, and I just traded in for three straight items from Wayne Tower.


  4. Never thought I’d say this but things are progressing nicely. Just waiting for the last item (the prison) from Wayne’s Tower and am at part eight of the main quest line.

    Getting Cheetah Bonnie and Joker will take a lot of time but this is intentional so I think I’m actually on track. I didn’t have that for a long time in a major event, so thanks a lot TinyCo for making this game possible again 🙂


  5. Wow, never thought I see the day when I rather go to the other site then this. U guys are really slacking. Really nothing useful that u guys put up that we can’t see for ourself in the game faqs. I think u guys did excatly that . U just let the site go after all that hard work and money money? The other site is actually useful. Well, hope u guys get back on the wagon.


    1. You’re joking right? We give you 0-day information, complete breakdowns of questlines, and useful characters. I’m pretty sure no one does that.


    2. Stop being a nuisance. If you’ve got nothing good to say, don’t. This is a great site IMO. DragonJay has been posting timely updates and giving good advice to everyone.


    3. If you refer to FGA as ‘the other site’ then this hasn’t been updated since phase two and looks dead. I think you put your comment on the wrong site mate 😉


  6. If we fail to stop the joker on the 24 hour timer, per the notrs above, he will come back at some point, or would he be gone forever?


    1. He will come back at some point. If you remember fight the dragon during the A Grimm Knight in Quahog event, it’s pretty much the same as that. I’d use the down time to stock up on supplies.


    2. I just started battle with Joker today. It is also similar to battle with Zeus in the Greek event. But this is more difficult and time consuming as we cannot plan too far ahead by stocking up on just 16 bombs for example. The last battle may need 16 nets! Or is there a trick to plan ahead for round 4 and 5? Else I will never make it in time to earn maximum multiplier bonus.


      1. Pretend the first round you used nets and the second round you used bombs. I’ve noticed more often the next would use the material you haven’t used yet. But honestly it could be random. If you’re freemium, I wouldn’t bother with going for the 4th and 5th round. Just try and stock up and wait for the Joker to leave and come back.


  7. I’m way far behind getting aquamanew seems impossible I have 5 days to get this stuff and crocs only dropped 2 starfish out of the whole thing and is there an easier way to get kryptonite?


    1. There really isn’t an easier way to get kryptonite other than defeating the various thugs/squatters and trading in. The key really is stocking up on kryptonite before starting the next phase.


  8. Not to lvl 8 but the joker items are showing up in Peter and other tasks. If I do these tasks before starting the next phase, will they be in the bank when I finally get the second half of POW needed for lvl8?


  9. are your “stop the joker” requirements correct? My first round is 2 bombs 1 batarang and 1 net… you say 2 batarangs, 1 bomb 1 net.

    Just like to try and get all the requirements for the 5 battles collected rather than battle and lose and then wait again.


    1. For each multiplier, you need only 1 type of material but it varies so it’s either a Batarang, Bomb, or Net. So for the first multiplier, you need 2 Batarangs OR 2 Bombs OR 2 Nets.


      1. They also seem to have changed the requirements slightly because for the third round I needed 7 not 8 items and for the fourth round I needed 11 not 12. Bit easier to get 😉


  10. I was only getting the tasks for Batman’s gadgets.. Saw people talking about the Joker.. I didn’t update-Damn my cockiness.. Just updated and low and behold, there is the joker


  11. The quest ‘gangster’s paradise’ is broken – after using definitely not hacked clams to rush everything I am stuck at 84/85 hand buzzers and have unlocked joker


    1. It’s because the first attack which drops 1 Hand Buzzer doesn’t count so attack the Joker once more. If you can’t then you’ll need to contact support.


  12. So just logged in, half way through POW lvl 7, and Peter miraculously found 275 POW points. I think TC realized their mistakes. Also, different characters drop shoes, so maybe the issues here are old…many hours old. No Joker yet, but I guess he’ll drop fangs and buzzers.


  13. I started this week with almost 300 kryptonite so I bought everything and it bumped my POW level almost two levels, so keep getting all the buildings you can.


  14. i am now getting a Consuela error thing its saying “cant save building in bad position” anybody else??…ive been on my game multiply times today it wasnt doing that but jus about a half hour ago it started.


    1. The update screwed up the position of Sidekicks N Things and they attempted to fix it which screwed everything up.


    2. I think this is about one of the buildings that you can buy for plastic rings. It had a visual glitch too as it was shifted by 90 degrees… I moved them all around a little with some space inbetween and restarted and since then it has been resolved…


      1. I’ve been getting the same error message, and it’s definitely one of the buildings you could buy with rings, after reading Chris’ comment I went into my game and did the same thing with moving some buildings, and so far it seems like this has resolved things for me too, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed on this.


      2. Yup I’ll keep trying. Been trying for 9 hours now. Even had my wife try logging me on her device but still same thing. : (


      3. It was a problem earlier today then they fixed it before releasing a new update. Have you tried reinstalling the game on your main device?


      1. Not fixed for me. Still getting error message & booted off game every time I go on been like this for 8 hours now. I’ve moved the building placed it in inventory. Restarted game nothing works. Just boots me out & when I go back on everything I’ve collected is back.


      2. If possible, try running the game on another device or through Facebook. Just being able to log in should fix the problem then you can return your normal device.


      3. I run my game on my phone tried going thru iPad didn’t work tried logging on thru FB didn’t work. Tried force closing-updating-turning off rebooting device none of it worked. Tried messaging TinyCo & just got message back we know of error & are working on it.


      4. Have you updated to 1.27.6? It should be available in your app store and might fix the problem.


      5. Just deleted game & reinstalled. Same problem lets me go on for about 30 secs then Consuella’s msg pops up & boots me out.


      6. Do you mean your progress is gone? Run through the tutorial then enter your info and should be fixed.


      7. Ran thru logged on restarted & same thing 30 secs Consuella Error. Boots me out. But what I meant by update gone: in App Store tells you new updates & says when you’ve updated that’s no longer in App Store.

        But everything I try same result. Let’s me go on lets me click on a few characters then Consuella Error boots me out if I go back on every things how it was have to recollect & within 30 secs error kicks me off.


      8. Tried deleting roads once deleted same error than reboots & road is back. If I delete quick & log off then try to go back on road is back. & within seconds error & booted off.


  15. I sent a complaint in about running shoes for Cheetah Bonnie only being available from a premium item. i suggest everyone follow suit on that. We need to put our feet down with the greedy Devs once in a while.


  16. @Jay
    I was only able to buy 1 billboard. That’s the only prize that dropped POW. All the other decorations don’t drop them. I’m also stuck on level 7 with nothing else to do to progress. I have that burger store, but that’s not enough.
    Usually character tasks and all decos drop level-ups. TinyCo just can’t do any event without screwing up some part of it.


    1. Yeah it’s terrible that a lot of players are stuck but until they adjust the level requirements, just stock up on kryptonite.


      1. Yeah, I’m at 75 on kryptonite. I bought Harley, but her tasks don’t help with POW either. At least I’ll have the first row of prizes unlocked, so it’s not a total downer.
        I just don’t understand this game’s backward evolution. The first year, the events were great. I completed them all without spending any real money.


  17. Thanks, I am pretty close to level 8. I am just not going to worry too much about it. I just did the math and I have enough kryptonite to purchase the first 7 items in Wayne Tower. I can move right along once I get there.

    One more question. Quagmire needs to “explore new fetishes” to complete Harley Quinn’s first quest. Quagmire doesn’t seem to have that task.


    1. Seems like while you were able to purchase Harley Quinn, you need to be in phase three for the task to appear.


  18. Awesome work Jay! Am I reading this correctly that we will need to take out 41 clown groups to get the requisite number of fangs needed to unlock Cheetah Bonnie? Ouch!


      1. Except that it takes 6 hours for Lois and Peter to heal. None of the other super heroes from the previous weeks can help. It would be nice if Aquaman or wonder women could fight them too. I think that means it will take a minimum of 10 days to get 41 fangs unless my math is wonky (41 fights x 6 hour recovery = 246 hours = 10.2 days)


      2. Not to mention all the Super Vitamin Pills required… Seems TC just threw this build out there without a proper QA. Nothing new mind you.


  19. Okay is anyone else in a similar situation as me. I have completed all tasks and got everything from the tower but I haven’t reached level 8 and I am at 7 1/2. It is going to take forever just killing crocs,brainiacs and battling thugs, Kane. Any suggestions.


    1. Honestly, you’re in the same boat as everyone else and it’s probably because they anticipated players to get at least one of the super hard prizes that drops a ton of POW. Just keep doing what you’re doing, collect from buildings, kill Killer Crocs, and stock up on kryptonite and you’ll be ahead when you get to phase 3. Or they might adjust the levels.


  20. Is the only way to get shoes for Cheetah Bonnie by getting the Arkum Asylum for 150 clams or is that a misprint. Doesn’t seem right?


    1. I suspect there’ll be other options added soon so don’t worry about them yet. Seems like not all of phase three has been added.


      1. Even if they do add more options for running shoes later on, many players will have already paid real money for Arkham Asykum thinking it would be the only way to get them. This is just as unfair. Many other games such as Simpsons Tapped Out and Disney Kingdoms, which I also play, refrain from this level of greed.


      2. They wouldn’t release a freemium character with only a premium option to get a material. They’ll release options eventually. It’s only the first day anyway. Also note that the main feature for this phase hasn’t been added yet.


  21. When can we unlock and start collecting the items for the Joker cause I’m seeing him nowhere so far and I’m currently on the week 3 main questline Joker in the Pack Pt. 4?


    1. I can only validate up until part 4 of that quest as much of it is different than what’s in the files. There was supposed to be a Joker boss that you’re supposed to defeat and collect Hand Buzzers for but at the moment, I’m where you are.


      1. Thanks. I’m seeing it very unusual the Joker’s not yet available to start collecting items for him as I thought that he’ll be either in the wayne tower prizes for this week or on a 7 day timer in the quahog asylum. Maybe tinyco’s going to release him tomorrow?


  22. Great stuff. But I have completed everything I can for hase two and still need another half to get to POW level 8, I noticed the smallville sign dropped 10 POW but is there anything else to expedite POW points? I’ve even got all the plastic ring buildings but still need much more POW, bummer! Do any of the Thug fights yield POW?


    1. Sadly the Thug battles do not yield any POW. Getting the super hard prize form Wayne Tower yields a ton of POW and would get you to level 8 in no time but it’s very costly. Honestly, a lot of players are in the same boat as you and they could adjust the levels. Just keep doing what you’re doing, stock up on the Kryptonite, and once you get to level 8, you’ll be a step ahead!


      1. Thanks, the final price has expired as I only managed to scramble together about 40 Kryptonite by the deadline so I’ll have to wait and see. I also contacted TinyCo and they have forwarded it to the ‘POW team’ (didn’t even know such a team existed 😉 ), so hopefully something will be adjusted soon, as I’m now ready (unusually)!


      2. What does get the Pow points? I have everything from Wayne Tower except the hard one and that expired a couple of days ago. I have purchased everything available in the shop. I tried to get a duplicate of the scratching post thing but it didn’t drop the Pow. I wasted a bunch of pills fighting thugs and a thug group. As far as I can tell, the only thing dropping the POWs is the croc thing. Have I missed anything?


      3. All event buildings drop POW, the Welcome to Smallville Sign drops 10 POW, and Killer Crocs.


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