Character Profiles (Week 1-3)

We’re more than halfway through this superhero event and a ton of new characters have been added already. This post looks at each of time a little closer providing their tasks as well as their full questline.
Continue reading Character Profiles (Week 1-3)

Villain Battles

We’re halfway through this massive DC Comics inspired event and four types of squatters are wreaking havoc on the poor citizens of Quahog. Not to worry though; the superheroes are here to help! This post summarizes each squatter.
Continue reading Villain Battles

Useful Buildings & Characters during Truth, Justice, and the Quahog Way (Week 3)

Week 3 of the Truth, Justice, and the Quahog Way event is now live and a lot of new content has been added. This post lists all the characters and buildings that drop goodies so far during this event.
Continue reading Useful Buildings & Characters during Truth, Justice, and the Quahog Way (Week 3)

Truth, Justice, and the Quahog Way Week 3

Note 1: An update (1.27.6) should be available in your app stores. Updating should add extra content.

Note 2: Consuela’s Vacuum isn’t picking up the POW so it is advised that you manually collect from the event buildings until a patch is pushed through.

It’s simple. Kill the Batman…

That’s right ladies and gentlemen, it’s Joker week! Phase three is now live and the clowns have arrived! There should be an update available in your app store and it looks like you’ll need the update in order to see new content. Here’s everything new this week. Don’t forget to click here for this weeks set of quests.

Continue reading Truth, Justice, and the Quahog Way Week 3

Truth, Justice, and the Quahog Way Quests Week 3

Week 3 of the Truth, Justice, and the Quahog Way event is now live and a ton of quests have been added to entertain us for the week.

Continue reading Truth, Justice, and the Quahog Way Quests Week 3

Superhero Event Week 2: How are you guys doing?

Joker Week is nearly upon us and we want to know where you are. Still working your way through this weeks quests? Check out this link.
Continue reading Superhero Event Week 2: How are you guys doing?

Truth, Justice, and the Quahog Way Challenge Quest #2

He was sporting a lightning bold long before Harry Potter.
He was sporting a lightning bold long before Harry Potter.

How about that MLB trade deadline eh? No? Fine. The second challange of this Superhero Event is now live. You have 48 hours to complete this challenge and win this lovely feline.
Continue reading Truth, Justice, and the Quahog Way Challenge Quest #2