Xmas 2016 Week 4: How are you guys doing?

Week five of the Quahog’s Not So Silent Night Christmas event is scheduled to go live sometime tomorrow and we still want to know where you are. Still working your way through this weeks quests? Check out this link.

New Characters and Costumes

Two new characters and two costumes were added to our games this week. Did you purchase Angel of Death to help with Care Packages and if so, has he been useful for you? Did you try your luck pulling Blinky The Ghost from the Nutcracker Mystery Box? I sense most freemium players have yet to earn Rupert or Black Jesus due to both poor drop rates and ridiculous game play. A few users have contacted support and have since had better drop rates. Could be a coincidence but it also could be TinyCo making adjustments based on feedback.

Week Four Challenge

Obviously there’s a delay with this challenge but TinyCo hasn’t released any information as to why. It’s probably because no one was working yesterday so I expect the challenge to out sometime today and it’ll most likely have a timer of 24 hours. The challenge could be the follwing… Please note, as nothing is live, everything is subject to change.
1. Earn 4 Holly Jolly Bears
2. Earn 2 PepperMerry Bears

If this remains the challenge when it goes live, it will be best to save your Care Packages until then.

Week Five Features

At this time, there is little to no data for week five. The little data I have is quite old so can’t say for certain how accurate it is. Looks like Negatron and Toy Car Joe will be freemium and Onesie Mayor West a premium outfit. Please note, as nothing is live, everything is subject to change.
1. Onesie Mayor West
2. Negatron
3. Toy Car Joe

Are you enjoying this event so far? All set for week five? Have any tips or anything else to add? Comment below!

15 thoughts on “Xmas 2016 Week 4: How are you guys doing?”

  1. I am almost done with Black Jesus 4 more items then done. Can’t get the Triangles to drop at all. I have 8/15 and been busting my butt. So means i can’t start the new week. I have all characters that have been released so far. Got Blinkie luckily on 3rd try.


  2. 3 words:…HOLIDAY WREATH CROWNS… what is going on?! i’ve had that ONLY building that drops them for quite a few days now and nothing;,i only need 1 more heart thing for Rupert too&& alot more stuff for Black Jesus. get it together fellow playas wit only 6 days left in this event !!


    1. Black Jesus’ buyout price is relatively cheap. I don’t think they intended the drops to be very good. THe probably figured we would get caught short and pay the last 200 or so clams to get him. And I probably will if it comes down to that. This has been an especially greedy event.


      1. everybody knows i BARELY purchase clams LOL if i don’t get him in the next week or so (obviously),i’m not buying anymore clams and wasting those on getting him. i jus got a iTunes cards for christmas& bought that Death character and for what idk?!…nothing special!… he only drops care packages which i think is okay, BUT could have had him drop something else too!…like those wreath crowns.


  3. Didn’t buy Death since I refuse to pay that much for a skin, and I don’t gamble on boxes so no Ghost thing either.

    Managed to get Rupert last night so at least I’m ready to move on.

    Jesus I need 6 Wreaths and 111 Robes but I should manage it before the end of next week and unless he ends up being the only source of something next week I have the time.

    It’s very unlikely I will complete the weekly challenge (after successfully completing the last 3) I’ve had 10 Yellow Bears but only 1 Green. I have one more chance before the timer runs out but I’m not hopeful.


    1. I can’t get the last green bear either, and I’ve spent clams on this event. The drops have been so sucky it’s ridiculous. There’s 2 hours left in the challenge which isn’t enough time to get any more gifts so I won’t finish it either. I think need 120 some robes for Jesus. The beach ball drops are just as bad so it may work out over the next week but it’s going to take way longer than it should have. I am really hating this event.


  4. I have literally gotten 2 beach balls the entire week. I have 9/15 triangles and 4/8 clouds. I have three buildings left to purchase and no where near the rainbows. I will not pay clams for a skin or buildings so I’m not buying the angel of death or anything else that would help. The only bears I seem to get are for Bruce and even those are rare. I’m done…

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Just got Rupert this mirning as finally the last two fluffy clouds dropped 🙂 Now off to his 8 hour task and then I’m ready for the final week.

    Oh and I even got the weekly challenge but didn’t even plan to. This is the first one I completed… must have happened by accident 😉

    Still a long way off black Jesus but we’ll see how things develop!


  6. Where shall we begin?

    What with low drop rates on both boxes and contents, I saved up 16 boxes waiting for the weekly out of which I got 1 red bear, a load of ghost boxes and candy canes.

    The weekly timed is 24 hours not 48 as has been the norm for this event so far. Which pretty much proves that this is nothing more then a cash grab to get people to buy the clam presents.

    Then we get locking characters that are needed to progress taken away by the weekly debuff, so you can’t even use Bonnie for balls. You can’t half hit anyone since if you leave it then they get pulled to full health again so you must have all the bears needed before you can clear.

    To top it all off there is wastage of other items because you’ll be in the middle of trying to clear pac-men only to get pulled across the map because it’s refreshed the clouds for the 3rd time in 5 minutes.

    This entire event is a crock and a cash grab.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Due to poor drop rates and nothing but crap from the Care Packages, I’m nowhere close to unlocking Rupert. As a result, no moving to week five. Still need 10 triangles and 4 clouds… Hope others are doing better than me.


    1. Doing better than you are, but only just. Still need 5 triangles so no moving to week 5 for me. Black Jesus still 100 miles away. Same probs as everyone else


  8. Maintaining nowhere excellently. No chance to advance as the bears never drop. Just candy canes and ghostly gifts or the occasional bear for Bruce, who is useless yet again. I may get the yellow bears for the usual 48 hour but now only 24 hour challenge, but won’t get the green ones. So why 24 hours to get these when the drop rates are at an all time low? I have only been able to get a beach ball on 3 occasions since last week. 3. In nearly a week. Way to go Tinyco, way to go. Proud of you.


  9. I did buy the angel of death just because he was cool, I don’t know how much it has helped. I got Rupert last night but black Jesus is looking iffy. I can’t get beach balls to attack the baby so I am 159 coats short yet. It is really annoying how Bonnie is the only character that I have that can get beach balls and she’s always in a cloud, and the ghost drop is almost non-existant. I get about 1 ball a day out of her if I’m lucky. I think Rupert gets balls now but if it goes the same way he’ll never drop them. This has been the stingiest event I think I’ve ever seen.


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