Hey guys.. I am sorry

DragonJay told me that he was going to retire, but then he posted again.. I wasn’t paying attention… I didn’t read what he posted… This site only notifies the person that writes the post… Is there anyone out there that wants to step up and help on this site.. ?

I will be honest, it wears on you.. I have just been enjoying the game lately.. Let me know..

17 thoughts on “Hey guys.. I am sorry”

  1. Anyone have any tips on beating the fat dudes on scooters ? i have all the camp characters including chocolate guy but the other side sends 10+ at a time and i cant beat them. i only have peter to man the cannon and when the dudes in cars are in the red zone nothing happens when i fire the cannon. with the other camp (kids) the water cannon got them and my characters could advance. I’m really not enjoying this event and playing more as a freemium player now this game is getting more and more difficult to progress during events. ive started to move over to the futurama game now and thats kinda fun ! 🙂


    1. We can try it again.. we have done it before.. this site has always had 2 moderators except when I was doing it by myself..


  2. I am very keen to help out if you need it.
    Ive been playing this game since day 1, love it to bits besides all the money grabbingness of it, and would love to supply the community with info and possibly ideas for the game for future events.


    1. Let me see what I can do Benjoni.. I don’t know what you think the ideas are for the fame for future events.. I have never had any conversations at all with Tinyco…


  3. always! i have been mod for a good while now but haven’t lived up to my duties and expectations so fredlusk lemme know what i can do or what you would want me to do on here concerning posting the info that is needed!


    1. Sweetat, anything you can do will help.. I have too much going on in my personal life.. especially with job and a Teenage girl!!!! Remember I am old!!!


  4. Trust me when I say how hard it can be guys, it takes SO much time up of your life, not only playing the game like we all did but writing and posting too. As an ex-moderator and regular poster I basically didn’t have time for anything I wanted to do in life but now I have the time to do things I want to do and enjoy life 😊

    Hope you find a new person Fred 👍


    Liked by 1 person

  5. This saddens me. I really loved getting the tasks posted so quickly. However, I understand how time consuming it can be. I’m thinking most of us are so fed up that getting someone to take over will be hard. I’ll be very happy if there is someone out there who wants to do it, but I won’t be surprised if we keep losing interested players.



    1. Oh me too.. DragonJay did the best job of anyone.. This site looked so professional.. But it is very time consuming.. When I did it straight for a year, it wore me down.. Made me want to quit playing the game…


  6. I wouldn’t know how. I’m a casual player, I just go with the flow.
    The main thing I used here was his lists of useful characters, in case I missed someone who got something. And to vent frustrations, lol.


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