Category Archives: Design

Guest Post: Design Tips

    Hello everyone! My name is Laura, and I’m a Quahog designer. I’m here today to give you a few tips on how to design your Quahog to maximum use, and visual pleasure, haha.

Continue reading Guest Post: Design Tips

How to do it faster: Rearranging and Decorating your Quahog

After a new event, the latest update, or just simply changing your towns layout, it can get a bit hard to move around your many structures and especially those tricky little flower beds. Continue reading How to do it faster: Rearranging and Decorating your Quahog

Let’s earn some coin! Lesson #1 on ‘Farming’

Do you always run out of coin? Wondering how you can possibly afford to clear all these new blocks and stay ontop of new releases and events? Well let’s take a look at the easiest way to earn free currency-

Continue reading Let’s earn some coin! Lesson #1 on ‘Farming’

July 4th – Full Walkthrough

Screenshot_2014-07-03-22-16-28 The Independence Day update is HERE (until July 11th)!  For those of you still resting your fingers from all the mummy-tapping, it’s now time to start playing with FIREWORKS!

This update brings us new buildings, three and a half new questlines, a box (think: sarcophagus) that we can OPEN WITH COINS, lots of cool & patriotic/political freemium & premium items, and A FREAKIN WATERSLIDE!!!!

There’s a week to get it all done, so DON’T RUSH! Just be diligent and you’ll be fine.  Click ‘Continue Reading’ for the full walkthrough mixed in with a little humor. Continue reading July 4th – Full Walkthrough

KING BUTT IS HERE!!!! (& here’s how you get him)–Edited Wed. Night



TinyCo has bucked their recent Friday night update trend, and given us the next (and potentially last) updates to the Kingdom of the Full Moon event.  #Excited #KingButt #TinyCoCashGrab


Keep reading for most up-to-date details **CAUTION SPOILERS AHEAD!***  Let’s get King Butt in YOUR QUAHOG! Continue reading KING BUTT IS HERE!!!! (& here’s how you get him)–Edited Wed. Night

What have you done with… (#7)

I have been moving things around in my Quahog and thought I would share what I have been spending my evening doing with you guys, hopefully you will share what you have done with yours! Continue reading What have you done with… (#7)

What have you done with… (#6)

I have been moving things around in my Quahog and thought I would share what I have been spending my evening doing with you guys, hopefully you will share what you have done with yours! Continue reading What have you done with… (#6)

Doug’s Screenshots of his Quahog!

Following the post series “What have you done with…”, I have been sent 10 screenshots from DOUG!

Continue reading Doug’s Screenshots of his Quahog!

Becky’s Screenshots of her Quahog!

Following the posts – “What have you done with…”, BECKY has sent in their screenshots of their Quahog!
Continue reading Becky’s Screenshots of her Quahog!

Pickles’ Screenshots of their Quahog!

Following my posts – “What have you done with…”, I have received some screenshots from a reader named PICKLES!

Continue reading Pickles’ Screenshots of their Quahog!