Game Ideas

One of our readers, Austen, sent a suggestion to us to make a place to be able to discuss what we would all like to see in the game – Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff!

Instead of creating a post that would get buried with all the new content posts, we decided the best thing to do was to create a page with a comment section!

We will send a link to TinyCo so they can read over the suggestions/ideas/most wanted and hopefully take them on board!

We are going to kick it off and suggest our most wanted: Jasper!


167 thoughts on “Game Ideas”

  1. I would like to see more characters from other shows like Simpsons Bob’s burgers Futurama American Dad I seen some of my friends have American Dad charicters and since I just started can y’all please have another event in which the American Dad characters and any other events and other characters can be got again also land can we get more land expansion


  2. I have Jasper.. I’d really like a chance to unlock the characters and outfits that we missed out on during all of the great events this game has had… Maybe have us use Stevie’s time machine so that we can go back and bring the characters or items back at random… Giving us the opportunity to unlock them if we want… If not just have him time travel again….


  3. OMG! More character ideas; anyone remember Joan? Quagmires crazy wife? She’d be awesome. Also Ida! (Before and after the transition).
    Also, I don’t think Death is in the game, is he?


  4. I have an idea for a walking dead themed event where you can unlock characters for free like: Dale Andrea Carl Hershel Beth and maybe Lori (free like the Star Trek event) but some would cost clams like carol Daryl Rick and the govnear. And there would be new costumes like for Peter he would be Rick Lois would be Lori quagmire would be Shane and there would be zombies everywhere. Any way that’s my idea if you know a way to suggest this to the family guy people that would be epic. And respond if you like it


  5. i have 3 ideas for multi-week events; 1 a simpsons event where each week we would get to unlock a new character; 2 a family guy event where the charecters to unlock would be the actual people that do the voices; 3 a ultimate event where we could unlock or buy every character,skin and building that ever appeared in the game


  6. I’d like to be able to vist other people’s worlds without having to add them on Fb. Not many people I know play the game. It also would have been nice to view the worlds of the top players of the Mobster Event to see what they were doing to get there. I worked really hard to get a high spot and only ranked 20. I would have loved to see the player’s world that was ranked number one.


    1. Is it not obvious what the peope at the top of the leaderboard did? Bought clams!!!
      Don’t get upset about not having a high enough ranking. Everybody knew the leaderboard concept was a cash grab as soon as it was announced, it’s just that some were stupid enough to all for it.


  7. So here’s my idea tinyco. A football theme leading up to the start of the NFL season you can have famous players available to unlock and a football stadium and characters like Jerome and Cleveland and Peter and Chris can have football outfits and the female characters can have cheerleader outfits. The storyline can be that the patriots( or a made up team of your choice) are in town and Peter has challenged them to a game and he has to build a team with the other characters and each of them can do different workout tasks or practice plays and stuff and the female characters can do cheers and meg could even join the football team as some bigger burly version of herself. Anyway that’s just an idea. Do with it what you will. Thanks for listening.keep up the good work. Love the game.


    1. Sounds great to be honest, but we’re not TinyCo lol, we’re just humble moderators, maybe they’ll see this, I don’t know lol



  8. I would like to see the “pay characters” like the Star Trek ones, be able to “get stuff” with the new upcoming events.


  9. You know what would be absolutely fantastic? If TinyCo did a survey for the Mob event. Don’t they want to know what the players think? They could at least pretend they care about our opinions


  10. Please – in this last week of the Mob event – PLEASE find away to give us lots and lots and lots of glitter shows, lucha masks, tommy guns, nunchucks, and donuts. Please let us spend our cookies to buy those things. You’ve been so stingy with those items. How can we hire goons if we don’t have the ingredients?


  11. So, was the facebook page hacked?
    “Thanks to amazing players like you, we’ve reached one million likes! Holy crap!
    To celebrate, Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff is hosting awesome giveaways all week. Check the Facebook page at 2 PM PDT every day through July 3rd for a chance to win some cool stuff! (”
    They posted this at 11:19 am PDST. All the rest of the day, players checked back and found nothing. And there was nothing related in the game either. WTH?


  12. Either increase the drop rate for lucha masks, tommy guns, and sparkly shoes (add them to more characters’ tasks) or allow us to purchase them for cookies. We keep gaining cookies and have nothing to spend them on. Let us use them to buy guns, shoes, and masks!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. The boxing glove drop rate is pitiful. 5 gloves once every 24 hours? No one is going to be able to get Cleveland’s costume until the event is almost over. What if we need Fight Promoter Cleveland to do tasks or quests? a possible 5 gloves a day is very stingy. And that’s only if they get the golden truck glitched fixed in the next 36 hours.
    Sometimes it seems like the developers WANT the players to hate them.
    Either lower the amount of gloves we need for the costume or give us more ways to earn gloves!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. I have seen a lot of comments on Facebook regarding problems with the golden cookie trucks. Please at least bring the regular purple ones back until the issue is fixed. I have no room in the goon factory to train lucha until I use up some goons!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. I think the game need more land and a lot more cheap houses. Not apartment buildings! Houses to build neighborhood.


  16. If fires are going to continue to break out after the Fire Fighter event is over, you need to do two things: 1) Allow us to build a second, and maybe a third, Fire Academy and 2) have the BIG house fires drop gas cans. Right now, there is no incentive to put out the big fires because they only drop coins.


  17. We really and truly need more land; land that is NOT associated with any event or set of buildings. Just nice blank land on which to spread out. There is plenty of room “north” and “south” of the area reserved for special events. “Oh, give us land, lots of land, under sunny skies above”

    Also, a Collect All Rent button would be a marvelous addition. How hard could it possibly be? We could spend some of our millions of coins on it (I just passed $3M myself)

    Also, you need to do a follow up survey on the fire-fighters’ event. Based on the comments I saw on the game’s facebook page, your players have a lot to say on the topic.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. I would like to see a Back to the Future event. Lots of characters, buildings and decorations. We could collect items that Doc. brown would need to send Marty back to the future. There could be 50s or 80s or even future style skins for current characters.

    Liked by 2 people

  19. I am making a pledge to Tinyco, and hope others will follow.I like the game and wish to continue playing so here is what I will do for them, with one clause. If my game does not crash for 7 days straight in every month I will Purchase one new character with a new box of clams, or one character skin with a pocketful of clams. and to be nice I will not include crashes when I go visiting the multiverse. That’s it I am putting my money where my mouth is


  20. As much as I wish that could happen, I remember tinyco saying they wouldn’t do this because it would ‘ruin the value of clams’ or something like that.


  21. NEED MORE LAND, my quahog is almost filled completely and I still have about 50 more structures in my inventory that simply just won’t fit

    Liked by 1 person

      1. If you hold your finger on a building (like you’re going to move it) click the tick so the building stays where you want it to and then there’ll be a button in the top left that looks like a road and a ‘+’ sign, click that and start tapping any area that has no buildings and a road will be built 😊



  22. i have a great idea for a new character.. I remember back in the earlier seasons of family guy when they had the grown up Stewie! I would love if they brought him into the game for everyone to have!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, Stew, from the episode Stew and Stewie’s Excellent Adventure, the guy who was a virgin, living with Rupert and reads Parade magazine, that’s a great idea Isabella 😀


      P.S. I’m a geek lol so I know every character ever in FG haha 😆


    2. Right. Time traveler future Stewie. That’d be an assume character to have – along with future Trans-Meg, and Future Chris (and his harpy wife)


      1. Ah yeah, from Stu and Stewie’s Awesome Adventure 😊 and Chris the cop and Ron lol, good times



  23. Maybe tribbles could drop condoms for Vulcan quagmire? I mean they don’t drop anything other that dilithium, except an EXTRA RARE chance of clams, and 42 is still A LOT. So why not make them useful?


  24. I think since the Star Wars movie is coming out in December, there should be an event for that because there were three awesome Star Wars episodes!


  25. I’d love to see the A-team brought in.
    Brings a costume for Peter, Quagmire, Joe and Cleveland.
    I would also like the event to introduce quad quests where all four characters are needed eg ride in the a-team van.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s definitely do-able, the van used for Hayley Smith is used for her quests so it’s definitely possible



  26. i suggest the new costume Pajamas Meg and 2 new tasks for Meg and Stewie.
    Meg’s task: going to the bathroom (animation of her sitting on the toilet)
    Stewie’s task: tinkle stuff (animation of Stewie tinkling on the floor and on Lois’s blue sweater)


  27. My suggestion is for neighbors to be able to send other neighbors gifts like coins, clams and items needed to unlock characters or to build buildings


  28. This is the second justin bieber suggestion I’ve seen. Please, anything but that. I’ve stuck by this game despite crashes, lagging and space shortage but introducing that tw** will make me uninstall the game.


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