Tag Archives: actions

District 11: What can you make Olivia do?

Sorry guys, I am forgetful and completely forgot that I hadn’t already done this post. *Slaps self on hand*

Anyway, self reprimanding aside, here is the task list for Olivia.

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Valentine’s Character: What can you make Arnold Schwarzenegger do?

If you do choose to spend the 250 clams you will be able to earn more love or hate hearts. But who cares about those?! Its Arnie!


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Earning Homemade Valentines

These are the people we have noticed will earn you homemade valentines!

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Valentines Costume: What can you make Handsome Peter do?

He is a dignified member of the beautiful people club can you see why?! This muscular Peter will complete costume set #2 for Peter if you already have: Mermaid Peter, Anime Peter, Hooker Peter and good old normal Peter (obviously). For completion you will get 25 free clams!

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Costume: What can you make Hanukkah Mort do?

It has to be on of the worst designed hero costumes of all time, I mean how likely is it that you will set fire to your butt?!

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What can you make John McClane do?

Premium character time! 200 clams will buy you a badly voiced Bruce Willis!

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Character: What Can you make Bitch Stewie do?

Bitch stewie including unlock levels.

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Moon Idols!

Collecting those Moon Idols? Remember there’s some characters that net you double the idols.
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Costume: What can you make Mid Life Crisis Lois do

If you haven’t unlocked Mid Life Crisis Lois just yet, but want to know what you will be able to make her do:
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Costume: What can you make Anime Peter do

If you haven’t unlocked Anime Peter just yet, but want to know what you will be able to make him do:
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