Tag Archives: bonnie’s bake sale

Quest: List of Quests and Earnings

I have created a list of the quests I have completed so far (in order), and how much $ and XP you earn:


Quest for Cable     $25 XP20

The Road to Rebuilding Pt. 1     $25 XP 20

Bonnie’s Bake Sale Pt. 1     $25 XP 20
Continue reading Quest: List of Quests and Earnings

Tasks: The new 1 minute tasks

Following the update on 16/04/2014, and the addition to 1 minute tasks for Peter, Chris, Quagmire, Mort, Bruce, Bonnie and Lois, I thought I would give you a list of all the tasks that were changed to a 1 minute duration:
Continue reading Tasks: The new 1 minute tasks

Quest: Bonnie’s Bake Sale Pt. 2

After you have completed the quest – Bonnie’s Bake Sale Pt. 1, Bonnie will have an exclamation bubble above her head.


When you tap on the exclamation bubble, Bonnie says:

bake edited
Continue reading Quest: Bonnie’s Bake Sale Pt. 2

Quest: Bonnie’s Bake Sale Pt. 1

After you have completed the quest – The Road to Rebuilding Pt. 1, Bonnie will have an exclamation above her head.


When you tap on the exclamation bubble, Bonnie says:

“I’ll help Quahog by having a bake sale! That’s how I raised money for Joe’s chin implants.

That’s right, the most impressive part of him is fake.”
Continue reading Quest: Bonnie’s Bake Sale Pt. 1