Tag Archives: clams

FRIENDS: Do you need more friends for your Multiverse?

Is your Multiverse looking empty and friendless?

Post your add me requests in the comments section of this post, and state whether it is Facebook, Google+, or Game Centre (and once the social media feature is back up and running, you can add lots of new towns!).
Continue reading FRIENDS: Do you need more friends for your Multiverse?

How much REAL money would each premium item cost?

This post is to show how much real money each premium item would cost you, and the amount of money it would cost for all the premium items, then you can decide whether you would like to buy any clams to spend on special premium items.
Continue reading How much REAL money would each premium item cost?

Basics: What you have to do first

This is a step by step guide of the beginning of Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff. I have added screenshots of each step to aid anyone that may have had difficulties, but the game does guide you along quite successfully, so hopefully you didn’t hit any hiccups whilst playing!
Continue reading Basics: What you have to do first