Tag Archives: cleveland

What Really Grinds Your Gears?

Well, we haven’t written a ‘What Really Grinds Your Gears?’ post since Peter Griffin and The Kingdom of the Full Moon event, and as TinyCo can keep bringing back old things, we thought we would too (except, this won’t cost you anything!) – come and share ‘What Really Grinds Your Gears’ with the FG: Tips team and find out what has been grinding ours!

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My name is…..

Cleveland Brown! He is back!


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Hey Family Guy Players!

We just got our celebrity guest and you won’t believe who it is…Well you may already know from the topic title.

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80’s Pop Star Cleveland…finally unlocked…by me at least.

Finally unlocked 80’s Pop Star Cleveland, now I can finally get back to grinding Moon Idols. Here’s what he says…

80's cleveland 1

80's cleveland2

As a result you get to build St. Elmo’s Clam (a past version of the Clam) and the 80’s disco floor for free… which is a pretty sweet benefit of unlocking a character.

8 1/2 more days to grind on those idols… think you’ll unlock it all… not sure if I will, but i’ll put up a hell of a fight.

Grind hard suckas!


Character: What does Cleveland say

Everybody wanted Cleveland and TinyCo listened! You may not have had time in between all these updates to sit and tap on Cleveland continously,  so guess who did it for you!

Continue reading Character: What does Cleveland say

UPDATE: 3 New Premium Buildings

I have just received an Android update which contained three NEW premium items:
Continue reading UPDATE: 3 New Premium Buildings

WALKTHROUGH: Pop ‘n’ Lock Pleather

With the 80’s Pop Star Cleveland costume, came a new questline called ‘Pop ‘n’ Lock Pleather’:
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What do the FREEBIES earns?

When you unlock 80’s Pop Star Cleveland, you will receive a free dance floor and St. Elmo’s Clam! Here is how much they will earn you:

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Tasks: What Can I Make 80’s Pop Star Cleveland Do

If you would like to know what you can make Cleveland do once he is all dressed up as an 80’s Pop Star, then carry on reading:


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COSTUME: How Do I Unlock 80’s Pop Star Cleveland

We have all just received the limited time Cleveland costume – 80’s Pop Star. Here is how to unlock the costume (and the freebies you get when you do!):
Continue reading COSTUME: How Do I Unlock 80’s Pop Star Cleveland