Tag Archives: competition

Competition: Trivia Tuesday with Insticator

We have teamed up with Insticator again to provide you with an extra way to engage with our Trivia Tuesday’s! We hope you enjoy participating and testing your Family Guy knowledge.

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Competition: Trivia Tuesday

Greetings and salutations my dear gamers, it’s Ryan again with a new Trivia Tuesday, this one is dedicated to everyone’s favourite next door neighbour…Glenn Quagmire!! Giggety Giggety Goo!!

Three randomly selected winners that guess all the correct answers will win 50 Clams (paid via PayPal)

Continue reading Competition: Trivia Tuesday

Free Clams Friday with a Twist!

We have something new and asking you for something different this week!
Continue reading Free Clams Friday with a Twist!

January Competition!

Do you want to win £10/$10 of Clams (funds sent via PayPal)? Of course you do! We have our January Competition details below:

Continue reading January Competition!

Cyber Monday Competition!

We have another DVD to giveaway to one of our lucky readers – Family Guy: Happy Freakin’ Christmas! All you need to do is answer the question below in the comments section (comments will not be approved until the competition has ended so it is fair and no answers can be copied):


Continue reading Cyber Monday Competition!

Black Friday Competition!

UPDATE: Comments will not be approved so the answer isn’t copied! At 9.01PM GMT, November 30th 2014 – we will approve all comments in order! If you want to check your submission was sent, you can email us at familyguytips@yahoo.co.uk and we will confirm whether your entry has been received!

As the Christmas event is creeping up on us, we thought we would have a Christmas competition – Black Friday style!

Continue reading Black Friday Competition!

American Dad Art Competition Winner

The time has come to announce the winning banner design!
Continue reading American Dad Art Competition Winner

Hidden Competition!

In the Spirit of hiding Roger, we have decided to hide a competition somewhere on the blog…..

Continue reading Hidden Competition!

November American Dad Competition

UPDATED: New Rule!

Now that American Dad has moved into Quahog, we have a fun (we hope!) competition this month!

Continue reading November American Dad Competition

American Dad Art Competition

This is the first American Dad competition (we will be holding another one as soon as we receive the American Dad update!). You could win a £10/$10 giftcard and your winning entry will be used as the main header!

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