Tag Archives: dulcet tones

What really grinds YOUR gears?

Welcome to our – ‘What Really Grinds Your Gears?’ post – come and share ‘What Really Grinds Your Gears’ with the FG: Tips team!


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Have you got LOTS of Dulcet Tones?

We have had messages regarding unlocking the Chumba Wumba Stewie costume, and how some players already have ALL the required Dulcet Tones!


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UPDATED – Items: What chance do I have in getting…?

Before I begin, I would like to say thank you to one of my readers, Mitchell, for suggesting I write a list of items and the chance of receiving particular items.

To find out the chance of dropping particular items that you need for quests and costumes, please read on:

Continue reading UPDATED – Items: What chance do I have in getting…?