Tag Archives: facebook

Guest Post: Design Tips

    Hello everyone! My name is Laura, and I’m a Quahog designer. I’m here today to give you a few tips on how to design your Quahog to maximum use, and visual pleasure, haha.

Continue reading Guest Post: Design Tips

Are your Facebook friends not showing up?

We have had a few enquiries regarding absent Facebook friends and not being able to invite new friends – this will be fixed in the next update – version 1.5 (along with other fixes). Here are the instructions from TinyCo to restore Facebook friends and the ability to invite new friends, once you receive the new version:

Continue reading Are your Facebook friends not showing up?

Poll Results: What do you think about using Facebook to add Quahog towns to your Multiverse?

This poll was created only 6 days after release so it has been buried among the older posts now. Here are the results:

Continue reading Poll Results: What do you think about using Facebook to add Quahog towns to your Multiverse?

Highlights of the Live Discussion!

Do you think TinyCo should take away the extra rare and uncommon items? Do you want another option to add friends other than Facebook? Find out TinyCo’s responses to these much asked questions, plus many more (extracted from the official Facebook for Family Guy : The Quest for Stuff):

Continue reading Highlights of the Live Discussion!

Announcement: Open Discussion on Facebook

The official Facebook account for Family Guy : The Quest for Stuff announced they will be holding their first open discussion today at 3pm PST, and as we have lots of readers and players from lots of different places, I have made a list of some timezones from around thd world and what time they will need to log in on Facebook to join in with the discussion:
Continue reading Announcement: Open Discussion on Facebook

Follow up: Responses regarding the Gay Pride Float

This is a follow up post showing responses from numerous media/communities regarding how they feel about the Gay Pride Float and whether it should be a ‘choice’ rather than a requirement to ‘have’ to buy and place the brightly coloured float (the first post can be read here).

Continue reading Follow up: Responses regarding the Gay Pride Float

Controversial: The Gay Pride Float – Choice or not?

If you are a part of the communities on Facebook that were made when Family Guy : The Quest for Stuff was released, you may have read the issue regarding the Gay Pride Float earlier.

Continue reading Controversial: The Gay Pride Float – Choice or not?

UPDATE: Troubleshooting : Did you already buy the Strength Test when it costs 25 Clams?

If you purchased the Strength Test when it was premium, and now you just feel cheated as you could have spent those Clams on something else.

You could get be entitled to a refund, and here is what to do:

Continue reading UPDATE: Troubleshooting : Did you already buy the Strength Test when it costs 25 Clams?

Why Can I Only Visit 20 Quahog Towns A Day?

I sent another message to TinyCo today, concerning a problem a lot of players are experiencing – only getting to visit 20 friends Quahogs a day, their reply wasn’t very helpful, or very informative: Continue reading Why Can I Only Visit 20 Quahog Towns A Day?

Announcement: Temporary Forum

Do you need a place to be able to chat about Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff? Somewhere to request new friends? To talk about any server problems? Or write your letters to TinyCo?

Visit: http://familyguytips.proboards.com/

