Tag Archives: family jewels

Troubleshooting: How much and when do the buildings payout?

I thought I would create an on-going guide of how regular buildings payout so you know when to go into your game when building up your $ stash for new districts, events, blocks, etc.
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Troubleshooting: How much and when do the buildings payout?

I thought I would create an on-going guide of how regular building payout so you know when to go into your game when building up your $ stash for new districts, events, blocks, etc.

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UPDATED – Items: What chance do I have in getting…?

Before I begin, I would like to say thank you to one of my readers, Mitchell, for suggesting I write a list of items and the chance of receiving particular items.

To find out the chance of dropping particular items that you need for quests and costumes, please read on:

Continue reading UPDATED – Items: What chance do I have in getting…?

Announcement: Quahog’s Cosmetic Blowout Weekend!

In case you haven’t already seen the announcement on Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff Facebook page, I thought I would let you know about what is happening this weekend: Continue reading Announcement: Quahog’s Cosmetic Blowout Weekend!

How much REAL money would each premium item cost?

This post is to show how much real money each premium item would cost you, and the amount of money it would cost for all the premium items, then you can decide whether you would like to buy any clams to spend on special premium items.
Continue reading How much REAL money would each premium item cost?