Tag Archives: full moon

The Kingdom of the Full Moon Buildings and Decorations!

As if bringing back old characters and costumes wasn’t enough, TinyCo has also given us the chance to buy the old Buildings and Decorations from the very first big event – Peter Griffin and The Kingdom of the Full Moon!


Continue reading The Kingdom of the Full Moon Buildings and Decorations!

Poll Results: Rate the Peter Griffin and The Kingdom of the Full Moon event!

This poll was held the day before the Peter Griffin and The Kingdom of the Full Moon event ended! We wanted to know how you rated the event!

Continue reading Poll Results: Rate the Peter Griffin and The Kingdom of the Full Moon event!

Poll Results: How far are you with the Peter Griffin and The Kingdom of the Full Moon event? (Part 2)

This poll was held a week before the Peter Griffin and The Kingdom of the Full Moon event ended and before King Butt was announced as the last prize!

Continue reading Poll Results: How far are you with the Peter Griffin and The Kingdom of the Full Moon event? (Part 2)

Poll Results: How many Moon Idols do you have?

Find out what the average amount of Moon Idols that players managed to obtain during the event and whether you were within the same bracket! Maybe TinyCo will read this and lower the targets if they hold a similiar event!

Continue reading Poll Results: How many Moon Idols do you have?

King Butt’s Tasks

A little late but better to be late than never! Find King Butt’s tasks and earnings below:

Continue reading King Butt’s Tasks

Event building earnings!

Now the Peter Griffin and The Kingdom of the Full Moon event has officially ended, we are greeted with our “classic” Quahog, all of Moon Idol earning items now reward us with $ and XP!
Continue reading Event building earnings!

End of event FREEBIES!

We have all waved goodbye to Peter Griffin and The Kingdom of the Full Moon event – but waved hello to our freebies!
Continue reading End of event FREEBIES!

POLL: Rate the Peter Griffin and The Kingdom of the Full Moon event!

What Grinds Your Gears? Peter Griffin and The Kingdom of the Full Moon edition

As the Peter Griffin and The Kingdom of the Full Moon event is coming to the end (July 1st at noon Pacific time), I thought it would be great to hear YOUR thoughts about the first BIG event!
Continue reading What Grinds Your Gears? Peter Griffin and The Kingdom of the Full Moon edition

What Happens When Full Moon Ends?–straight from TinyCo


Found this on the game’s official Facebook page:

Can I unlock Cleveland after the event ends?
If you have the museum built, you can still unlock Cleveland after the event ends, but it’ll be harder! Some of the items needed to unlock him will change. Once the event ends, the museum will automatically be moved to your inventory. Place this building back into your town to start collecting the new items needed.

What happens to the Adventure Peter or 80s Pop Star Cleveland costume?
If you have unlocked Adventure Peter or 80s Pop Star Cleveland, these costumes will stay in your game. If the costumes are still locked, they will no longer be available in the game after the event ends. 

Can I still unlock King Butt?
If you collected enough moon idols to unlock King Butt, he is yours to keep raging in the game. If you did not unlock him, he will no longer be available when the event ends.

What happens to the moon idols?
Spend all your moon idols now! These golden booties will go away after the event ends and they will not convert to other forms of currency.

What happens to the pyramid?
When the event ends, the whole event district, including the pyramid, will go away.

What happens to my treasures?
Any unclaimed prizes from your Treasures tab will be moved to your inventory.

Just in case you hadn’t seen it!  Keep butt grindin!
