Tag Archives: koi pond

UPDATED: District 7 is now available – Who is up for a Chinese? (COMPLETE WALKTHROUGH)

For anyone who doesn’t already know, or anyone who isn’t quite that far yet – District 7 is now available to unlock!
Continue reading UPDATED: District 7 is now available – Who is up for a Chinese? (COMPLETE WALKTHROUGH)

Have you noticed the new decorations and buildings?

The decorations and buildings that were added to the spoilers post last week have now shown up in the game. This is how much they are:

Continue reading Have you noticed the new decorations and buildings?

UPDATE: New Decorations For District 7!

I am rather fond of some of these decorations, might even make me buy more Clams if the ones I like are premium (source: found by spAnser):
Continue reading UPDATE: New Decorations For District 7!