Tag Archives: mort

Week 2 – Christmas FAQS

Here are some helpful FAQS for the week 2 content:

Continue reading Week 2 – Christmas FAQS

Characters: What does Mort Goldman say?

Mort doesn’t have many sayings in the game, and the sayings he does say when he is put on tasks (which are only 2 different phrases!) are repeats of the sayings he says when he is tapped whilst walking aroung Quahog.

This is a list of all the phrases Mort Goldman says in the game:
Continue reading Characters: What does Mort Goldman say?

District 6: The Civic Centre (Unlocking Brian and Dr. Hartman)

I have created a basic walkthrough for District 6 so you can see what quests will need to be completed, once I have finished the individual, longer versions of each quest, a link will be added.

Continue reading District 6: The Civic Centre (Unlocking Brian and Dr. Hartman)

UPDATED – Items: What chance do I have in getting…?

Before I begin, I would like to say thank you to one of my readers, Mitchell, for suggesting I write a list of items and the chance of receiving particular items.

To find out the chance of dropping particular items that you need for quests and costumes, please read on:

Continue reading UPDATED – Items: What chance do I have in getting…?

POLL: Do you think the characters voices are sound bites?

Tasks: The new 1 minute tasks

Following the update on 16/04/2014, and the addition to 1 minute tasks for Peter, Chris, Quagmire, Mort, Bruce, Bonnie and Lois, I thought I would give you a list of all the tasks that were changed to a 1 minute duration:
Continue reading Tasks: The new 1 minute tasks

Announcement: Do you know what happened in the UPDATE (16/04/2014)

In my last post about the update, I wasn’t sure what had changed in the game, but I have found out now.
Continue reading Announcement: Do you know what happened in the UPDATE (16/04/2014)