Tag Archives: mummy

What Grinds Your Gears?

I was thinking a few weeks ago about starting a What Grinds Your Gears post series, but thought it may spark too much negativity if I wrote a specific post regarding each of the problems/issues I have noted from players – so why not just create one post with all the present problems/issues/suggestions which can be updated if and when other topics happen!

Feel like you need a rant? Do you really need to get something of your chest and vent? Comment below to let us know!

Continue reading What Grinds Your Gears?

Zoom and Mummies and Clams…oh my!

1) Updated to version 1.0.11 on IOS today and oh my what great new features. You can now zoom in to a point where a character takes up most of a screen… allowing you to see all the hilarious detail and all the sexy shots of Lois, Lois in lingerie, Lois in a Bikini, Lois in a well you get the point… try not to look too long or you might go blind… or grow hair on your palms…Giggity.

Continue reading Zoom and Mummies and Clams…oh my!