Tag Archives: new year Jillian

End of the New Year Event!

UPDATE: There is a slight delay at the moment, will update you when we know more!

The New Year’s event is set to end today at 3pm!


As for now, here are some notes on what will happen to quests/buildings/characters when the NYE event ends:

Continue reading End of the New Year Event!

New Year Week 2 FAQS

Sorry for the delay – we stayed up until 4am GMT so we have only had 4 hours sleep! All the information and walkthroughs is coming now!

Find the answers to some of the burning questions you may have for week 2 of the New Year event – for example – when the event will end:

Continue reading New Year Week 2 FAQS

Costume: How do I Unlock New Year Jillian

A new costume for Jillian has already hit our games, find out how to unlock her costume below:
Continue reading Costume: How do I Unlock New Year Jillian