Tag Archives: pb and j brian

Character: What Can I Make PB & J Brian Do

You may have already unlocked PB & J Brian, but for those players still waiting for Banana Peels, these are PB & J Brian’s tasks:
Continue reading Character: What Can I Make PB & J Brian Do

My strategy for unlocking the new costumes!

As you already know, we received two new costumes with District 8 – Falconer Peter and PB & J Brian – which we need to unlock before we can unlock Stewie. We need the two new costumes as they are required to complete a task each in order to unlock Stewie!

I have been using my own strategy to unlock Falconer Peter and PB & J Brian, which I thought I would share with you!

Continue reading My strategy for unlocking the new costumes!

Your feedback on item drops!

Since TinyCo announced that item drop rates will increase each time you do not find an item drop after tapping the golden ticks, have you noticed a difference?

Continue reading Your feedback on item drops!

How many items have you collected?

As we have so many items to collect for the two new characters and the two new costumes, I thought I would keep you updated with how many items I have collected daily, amd maybe you could come and share your progress with us too!

Continue reading How many items have you collected?