Tag Archives: peter griffin

Valentines Costume: What can you make Handsome Peter do?

He is a dignified member of the beautiful people club can you see why?! This muscular Peter will complete costume set #2 for Peter if you already have: Mermaid Peter, Anime Peter, Hooker Peter and good old normal Peter (obviously). For completion you will get 25 free clams!

Continue reading Valentines Costume: What can you make Handsome Peter do?

Costume: What can you make Intimate Apparel Peter do?

What can you make sexy peter do?

Continue reading Costume: What can you make Intimate Apparel Peter do?

Get Blasted off… and Unlock the Shuttle

Hey tappers,

We got a weekend task, to Unlock the Clamterprise, Q, and the Quahog Convention Center, and then receive a Space Shuttle that increases the nerd spawning. Continue reading Get Blasted off… and Unlock the Shuttle

Patrick Stewart…unlocking Jean Luc/Professor X.

Delicious Pizza, Nerdy Wizard books, and a grand worth of Blam! Energy drinks… that’ll get you Captain Picard. First you have to repair the Clamterprise. Then a series of back and forths between Peter and Patrick go on…
Continue reading Patrick Stewart…unlocking Jean Luc/Professor X.

San Diego Comicon Tie in…

Get excited people later today, it’s 2am here, we’re getting the Comic-con tie in update to the game. Starring awesome celebrities and various comic related variations of our favorite Quahog characters. I’ll be keeping track of updates and such and posting as much as possible through out the upcoming days.

Comic Con 1 preview

Also if you’re lucky enough to get out to the San Diego Comic-con then stop by booth #4229 tonight from 6-8pm and show Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff on your phone for a free Family Guy x Kidrobot figure!

Free toy

Boioioioioionggggg! Free stuff! Get it while it lasts people! Enjoy the nerdery and enjoy the people watching I was at C2E2 in Chicago and man was that a blast… feel free to post pictures of yourselves from the comic-con if ya can, especially if you’re dressed as Family Guy Characters… Hey maybe we’ll hold some kinda contest or something for the best dressed/worst dressed, whatever, I literally just thought of this.

Post pictures of yourselves at Comic-con, or at the Family Guy Booth on our sexy facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/familyguytips, we love to look at you… wait that was creepy, but accurate.

Game on,


So, How Are YOU Doing With District 8?

Hello, my favorite blog readers in all the world. Now that we’re a full 5 days out from the District 8 update, I’d love to hear how YOU are progressing with all of the new content. Instead of asking you to go down the list of how many of each various item you have collected, just let the world know how many clams it currently asks you for to unlock each character/suit, and what items you’ve been having the biggest problems with.

Starting out, it wanted:
1,665 clams to unlock Stewie
1,000 clams for PB&J Brian
575 clams for Falconer Peter
675 clams for Carter Pewterschmidt

As of this moment (11 pm PST, Wednesday) it will cost me:
1,328 clams for Stewie (was less before I used 15 Jewels towards Carter–only 8/30 right now)
375 clams for PB&J Brian (done with Maracas & coming along ok with the rest–except for dang banana peels)
215 clams for Falconer Peter (done with meat chunks, but just 2/5 leather gloves–Joe continually lets me down on them)
71 clams for Carter (done with money and Jewels)

I think the hardest item for me is a tie between the Blueprints and the Banana Peels… I would have bought a premium building that dropped either/both of these (leather gloves too!). I have bought one Family Jewels, pLace, and one Buncha Junk shop so far to help with other stuff.

How are YOU progressing? What are YOUR thoughts on the new content? Spent any clams on the new buildings available? I’d love to hear from you!
Thanks for reading & happy tapping!


Dear TinyCo… i’m at level 40.

Dear TinyCo,

I’m at Level 40, i keep doing tasks to gain experience, but my experience bar is no longer growing. So i will assume that level 40 is the cap currently. Please give me some sort of reward for reaching 40 and also rewards for the experience i’m attaining but not gaining. The payment can be in clams or items that help unlock characters faster, your call. Thank you.

Loyally yours,


PS. You’re doing a great job.

High praise

Complete Walkthrough – District 8 (Stewie, Carter, Costumes, & MORE!)


District 8 (Stewie, Carter, PB&J Brian, Falconer Peter, Nerds, & Buildings Galore) is HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERE!!!! No app store update needed-just keep playing!

There is a TON to cover!  SPOILERS AHEAD & make sure to read all the way to the bottom for some great tips! Continue reading Complete Walkthrough – District 8 (Stewie, Carter, Costumes, & MORE!)

New buildings added amongst other things.

Well by now you’ve woken up, brushed your teeth, grabbed a seat on the porcelain throne and loaded Family Guy… thank God you’re on the toilet cause you probably would have **** your pants with all the new things your looking at. Continue reading New buildings added amongst other things.

And I thought an Indiana Jones themed update was bad***…

Then I loaded the game and holy ****. Not only is Stewie ready to be unlocked, not only has PB&J Brian become a reality, but we get new quest lines, another peter costume, no more epic item unlocks, new buildings and a taste of characters to come. Below are some posted pictures of all the various awesomeness that will ensue. The next few months of this game are gonna be a blast! Continue reading And I thought an Indiana Jones themed update was bad***…