Tag Archives: pyramid


***Important Note: If you still want to play the Jelly-Yo game and rack up moon idols for decorations and Booty Boxes, WAIT TO UNLOCK HIM!  The Jelly-Yo game ends immediately when King Butt is unlocked, UNLESS YOU PUT THE GOLD ADVENTURE PETER TROPHY INTO STORAGE (neat glitch-and you don’t lose any shots)***


So, At LONG last, tonight’s update finally has KING BUTT WALKING AROUND AND TAKING SELFIES IN MY TOWN!


Check out the screenshots and a walkthrough of his unlocking below the fold.  WARNING: AWESOME SPOILERS AHEAD!

Continue reading #KingButtUnlocked!!!!!

What I won from the Booty Box… Pt. 2

If you saw my previous post, you would have seen my prizes I won from the Booty Box, I thought I would try again:

Continue reading What I won from the Booty Box… Pt. 2

The Imperial Sarcophagus!

Have you unlocked 80’s Pop Star Cleveland yet? Find out how you can get the items you need!

Continue reading The Imperial Sarcophagus!

What I won from the Booty Box…

I thought I would share what prizes I won when I gambled my Moon Idols for prizes using the new Booty Box:
Continue reading What I won from the Booty Box…

The Sarcophagus that isn’t premium!

Looks like TinyCo had added yet another Sarcophagus to our game – but this time it is NOT premium!
Continue reading The Sarcophagus that isn’t premium!

Final prize… Drum Roll please…

The final prize has been announced… and it’s…. King Butt as a permanent character. At 100,000 idols…woof.

final prize king butt

5 days left, i’m personally at about 60,000 idols, i’ve been tapping Mummy’s like a mofo, even bought a moon idol producer… and i don’t think this will be possible without buying Sarcophagus. Or killing King Butt a ton of times.

So far it’s only asked me for Blue Jell-yo shots for me, and that’s the flavor that i seem to get the least… so that’s probably not gonna happen either.

Well good luck getting this character… maybe they will extend a week since i doubt most people are near 100,000.

Keep powning those mummy’s and get King Butt to pray to that porcelain god.


Why has the event timer disappeared?

I spoke to TinyCo yesterday regarding the disappearance of the event timer, this is why there is no countdown anymore:

Continue reading Why has the event timer disappeared?

Have you bought the two new decos and building?

As mentioned here, a new deco and building was added last night in another in-game update! We also received another deco the night before!

Continue reading Have you bought the two new decos and building?

Jelly-Yo Sarcophagi

As mentioned here, we received three new Sarcophagi to help us defeat King Butt/earn lots of Moon Idols! 

Continue reading Jelly-Yo Sarcophagi

How many Moon Idols do I need for King Butt?

UPDATED: Myles from TinyCo has confirmed that King Butt MUST be defeated in order to unlock him, whether you have 100,000 Moon Idols or not!

We have been receiving some questions regarding King Butt, how to unlock him and how many Moon Idols are needed, so here are the answers:

Continue reading How many Moon Idols do I need for King Butt?