Tag Archives: quahog

Fine Arts District – The Walkthroughs

This is where I will collate the walkthroughs that make up the Fine Arts District 🙂
Continue reading Fine Arts District – The Walkthroughs

Guest Post: Design Tips

    Hello everyone! My name is Laura, and I’m a Quahog designer. I’m here today to give you a few tips on how to design your Quahog to maximum use, and visual pleasure, haha.

Continue reading Guest Post: Design Tips

So, How Are YOU Doing With District 8?

Hello, my favorite blog readers in all the world. Now that we’re a full 5 days out from the District 8 update, I’d love to hear how YOU are progressing with all of the new content. Instead of asking you to go down the list of how many of each various item you have collected, just let the world know how many clams it currently asks you for to unlock each character/suit, and what items you’ve been having the biggest problems with.

Starting out, it wanted:
1,665 clams to unlock Stewie
1,000 clams for PB&J Brian
575 clams for Falconer Peter
675 clams for Carter Pewterschmidt

As of this moment (11 pm PST, Wednesday) it will cost me:
1,328 clams for Stewie (was less before I used 15 Jewels towards Carter–only 8/30 right now)
375 clams for PB&J Brian (done with Maracas & coming along ok with the rest–except for dang banana peels)
215 clams for Falconer Peter (done with meat chunks, but just 2/5 leather gloves–Joe continually lets me down on them)
71 clams for Carter (done with money and Jewels)

I think the hardest item for me is a tie between the Blueprints and the Banana Peels… I would have bought a premium building that dropped either/both of these (leather gloves too!). I have bought one Family Jewels, pLace, and one Buncha Junk shop so far to help with other stuff.

How are YOU progressing? What are YOUR thoughts on the new content? Spent any clams on the new buildings available? I’d love to hear from you!
Thanks for reading & happy tapping!


How to do it faster: Rearranging and Decorating your Quahog

After a new event, the latest update, or just simply changing your towns layout, it can get a bit hard to move around your many structures and especially those tricky little flower beds. Continue reading How to do it faster: Rearranging and Decorating your Quahog

Complete Walkthrough – District 8 (Stewie, Carter, Costumes, & MORE!)


District 8 (Stewie, Carter, PB&J Brian, Falconer Peter, Nerds, & Buildings Galore) is HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERE!!!! No app store update needed-just keep playing!

There is a TON to cover!  SPOILERS AHEAD & make sure to read all the way to the bottom for some great tips! Continue reading Complete Walkthrough – District 8 (Stewie, Carter, Costumes, & MORE!)

New buildings added amongst other things.

Well by now you’ve woken up, brushed your teeth, grabbed a seat on the porcelain throne and loaded Family Guy… thank God you’re on the toilet cause you probably would have **** your pants with all the new things your looking at. Continue reading New buildings added amongst other things.

Final prize… Drum Roll please…

The final prize has been announced… and it’s…. King Butt as a permanent character. At 100,000 idols…woof.

final prize king butt

5 days left, i’m personally at about 60,000 idols, i’ve been tapping Mummy’s like a mofo, even bought a moon idol producer… and i don’t think this will be possible without buying Sarcophagus. Or killing King Butt a ton of times.

So far it’s only asked me for Blue Jell-yo shots for me, and that’s the flavor that i seem to get the least… so that’s probably not gonna happen either.

Well good luck getting this character… maybe they will extend a week since i doubt most people are near 100,000.

Keep powning those mummy’s and get King Butt to pray to that porcelain god.


Poll Results: What do you think about using Facebook to add Quahog towns to your Multiverse?

This poll was created only 6 days after release so it has been buried among the older posts now. Here are the results:

Continue reading Poll Results: What do you think about using Facebook to add Quahog towns to your Multiverse?

What have you done with… (#7)

I have been moving things around in my Quahog and thought I would share what I have been spending my evening doing with you guys, hopefully you will share what you have done with yours! Continue reading What have you done with… (#7)

What have you done with… (#6)

I have been moving things around in my Quahog and thought I would share what I have been spending my evening doing with you guys, hopefully you will share what you have done with yours! Continue reading What have you done with… (#6)