Tag Archives: respawn

Do your mummies keep respawning?

Since the 1.0.12 Android update, has your town been invaded every fee minutes with LOTS of mummies?

If you like this bug, bad news.

If you hate this bug, good news!

Continue reading Do your mummies keep respawning?

Android Update!

TinyCo released version 1.0.12 for all the Android users, find out what’s new:
Continue reading Android Update!

Mummy Spawn Rate

UPDATED: The constant respawning of the mummies bug will be fixed with the new upcoming update!

I have the answers to all your questions! If you would like to know how often the mummies will reappear in your Quahog, then look no further…
Continue reading Mummy Spawn Rate

UPDATE: Clowns respawn every hour notification (in-game)

If you haven’t splatted all 10 clowns already, you will notice a change when you tap on the quest:

Continue reading UPDATE: Clowns respawn every hour notification (in-game)

UPDATE: Costume – What Can You Make Pee Pants the Inebriated Hobo Clown Do

I thought I would release what you will be able to make Peter do, once you have dressed him up as a clown:

Continue reading UPDATE: Costume – What Can You Make Pee Pants the Inebriated Hobo Clown Do

UPDATE – Troubleshooting: How to get Pee Pants the Inebriated Hobo Clown without using Clams?

I am hoping that everyone has splat at least 2 clown by now – there is only 58 hours and 33 minutes until 00.00 GMT Sunday (hopefully we will all get the extra 24 hours of Sunday to complete the outfit and collect all the items).

You DO NOT need to spend Clams to earn the Pee Pants the Inebriated Hobo Clown costume, just a lot of patience!


I am just giving a quick run down on what you need to collect and how you can collect the items:

Continue reading UPDATE – Troubleshooting: How to get Pee Pants the Inebriated Hobo Clown without using Clams?

UPDATE – Troubleshooting: Why Do I Only Have 2 Clowns? Do They Respawn?

I have had queries about why they only have 2 clowns, do the clowns respawn, and do I really need to spend 900 Clams to get Pee Pants?

I have the answers confirmed by TinyCo! (and you don’t need to use Clams)

Continue reading UPDATE – Troubleshooting: Why Do I Only Have 2 Clowns? Do They Respawn?