Tag Archives: “Road to the North Pole”

Black Friday Competition!

UPDATE: Comments will not be approved so the answer isn’t copied! At 9.01PM GMT, November 30th 2014 – we will approve all comments in order! If you want to check your submission was sent, you can email us at familyguytips@yahoo.co.uk and we will confirm whether your entry has been received!

As the Christmas event is creeping up on us, we thought we would have a Christmas competition – Black Friday style!

Continue reading Black Friday Competition!

Premium: Should I Buy Consuela and Consuela’s House?

If you haven’t already rushed and bought Consuela, just for the amusement, here are a list of Pros and Cons to help you decide whether you should buy Consuela and her house:
Continue reading Premium: Should I Buy Consuela and Consuela’s House?