Tag Archives: sparkles

UPDATE: How to unlock Anime Peter?

With the in game update, along came a new costume for Peter – Anime Peter. This is how to unlock the costume:
Continue reading UPDATE: How to unlock Anime Peter?

UPDATED – Items: What chance do I have in getting…?

Before I begin, I would like to say thank you to one of my readers, Mitchell, for suggesting I write a list of items and the chance of receiving particular items.

To find out the chance of dropping particular items that you need for quests and costumes, please read on:

Continue reading UPDATED – Items: What chance do I have in getting…?

Quest: Fool’s Gold (exclusive to iOS users)

If you are using an android, unfortunately, you will not be able to unlock the Golden Suit for Peter or buy the Golden Pool, although if you played the BETA version, the Golden Suit and Golden Pool was available for android and iOS.

If you are on iOS, the Fool’s Gold quest will begin after you have completely unlocked Bruce. Peter starts the quest:
Continue reading Quest: Fool’s Gold (exclusive to iOS users)