Tag Archives: star trek event

Star Trek Week 3: The Walkthroughs – Updated!!!!!

UPDATED by Zooeymarie

Good evening, good day and good morning to everyone! Welcome to your week 3 walkthroughs!

Continue reading Star Trek Week 3: The Walkthroughs – Updated!!!!!

Room 1204?!

Has anyone seen this appear in their games?


We have received quite a few messages about this random “Room”… Let us know if you have seen it appear, what device your are using and supply a screenshot if possible!

Star Trek Edition: What Grinds Your Gears?

Welcome to our – ‘What Really Grinds Your Gears?’ post – come and share ‘What Really Grinds Your Gears’ with the FG: Tips team!


Continue reading Star Trek Edition: What Grinds Your Gears?

Star Trek Week 3 FAQS

UPDATED: Here are the FAQS for Week 3!

Why aren’t my Asteroid’s counting towards the quest?

Currently, only the circular asteroids that match the image on the quest will give credit. (We found out last night that only certain Asteroids were needed to complete the quest, as our total wasn’t increasing).

Continue reading Star Trek Week 3 FAQS

Star Trek Costume: How do I unlock Starfleet Lois and Tasks

To get Starfleet Lois, you must first repair the Bridge. You’ll need to collect the following items:
Continue reading Star Trek Costume: How do I unlock Starfleet Lois and Tasks

Star Trek Character: How do I unlock Locutus and his tasks

To unlock Locutus, you must first repair the Bridge.  You’ll need to collect the following items:

Continue reading Star Trek Character: How do I unlock Locutus and his tasks

Week 3 Of Star Trek Event Delayed.

Hey Family Guy Players.

Guess what? Week three has been delayed. were you all surprised? NOPE!

Continue reading Week 3 Of Star Trek Event Delayed.

Star Trek Week 2: The Walkthroughs UPDATED

Hey people! Week 2 is here and we are looking forward to seeing what’s on offer! Hey are your week 2 walkthroughs which, as usual, will be updated as I go!
Continue reading Star Trek Week 2: The Walkthroughs UPDATED

Fool Me Once Walkthrough

The special event of everyone’s calendar obviously needs its own quests 😉 here’s a midweek update walkthrough!
Continue reading Fool Me Once Walkthrough

Blue Crystal: UPDATE

Hey guys,

As some of you noticed, TinyCo have changed the time to build a Rec Room from 2hrs to 10hrs so the blue crystal rate is now going to take longer to do, essentially, all that has changed is the time period, so it’s still good, it just seems that TinyCo doesn’t want us to live long and prosper 😉

(See what I did there?)
