Tag Archives: towns

Poll Results: What do you think about using Facebook to add Quahog towns to your Multiverse?

This poll was created only 6 days after release so it has been buried among the older posts now. Here are the results:

Continue reading Poll Results: What do you think about using Facebook to add Quahog towns to your Multiverse?

In-game Improvements

Tam-Anh from TinyCo has notified weekend improvements that have taken place:
Continue reading In-game Improvements

What Grinds Your Gears?

I was thinking a few weeks ago about starting a What Grinds Your Gears post series, but thought it may spark too much negativity if I wrote a specific post regarding each of the problems/issues I have noted from players – so why not just create one post with all the present problems/issues/suggestions which can be updated if and when other topics happen!

Feel like you need a rant? Do you really need to get something of your chest and vent? Comment below to let us know!

Continue reading What Grinds Your Gears?

Troubleshooting: Where have my friends gone?

A few players have reported that all of their friends have disappeared since the update.

Continue reading Troubleshooting: Where have my friends gone?

Troubleshooting: Tricia Tapping is FIXED!

In a previous post, we warned you not to tap on Tricia when visiting a friend’s Quahog (just like Pee Pants the Inebriated Hobo Clown)… Continue reading Troubleshooting: Tricia Tapping is FIXED!

Announcement: Has anyone else received this notification about Clams?

I woke up this morning and saw a notification from the Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff game on my tab:

Continue reading Announcement: Has anyone else received this notification about Clams?

Why Can I Only Visit 20 Quahog Towns A Day?

I sent another message to TinyCo today, concerning a problem a lot of players are experiencing – only getting to visit 20 friends Quahogs a day, their reply wasn’t very helpful, or very informative: Continue reading Why Can I Only Visit 20 Quahog Towns A Day?

Quest: The Great Quahog Multiverse

Stewie appears and says:

Stewie: And Stewie shows up in the game! What’s up, bitches!

Stewie: It’s time for you to follow me into the Multiverse. Ollie Williams lives there.
Continue reading Quest: The Great Quahog Multiverse

FRIENDS: Do you need more friends for your Multiverse?

Is your Multiverse looking empty and friendless?

Post your add me requests in the comments section of this post, and state whether it is Facebook, Google+, or Game Centre (and once the social media feature is back up and running, you can add lots of new towns!).
Continue reading FRIENDS: Do you need more friends for your Multiverse?

POLL: What do you think about using Facebook to add Quahog towns to your Multiverse?

I have been hearing mixed views about using Facebook to add friends on Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff, so I have started a poll to find out how everyone feels about this feature.